Xbox Live Gold price increase reversed, Gold no longer required for free to play games

Xbox Live Sign
Xbox Live Sign (Image credit: Windows Central)

What you need to know

  • Earlier, Microsoft announced the price of Xbox Live Gold would be increased.
  • This price hike has just been reversed.
  • Additionally, Xbox Live Gold is no longer required for free-to-play games.

Earlier today, Microsoft announced the price of Xbox Live Gold was being increased, with a six month subscription going for $60. This led to a large outcry, including scathing commentary from our own Xbox lead Jez Corden, who called it "the worst deal in gaming."

Microsoft has just announced that the price hike is being cancelled. Additionally, Xbox Live Gold will no longer be required for free-to-play games, such as Fortnite or Call of Duty: Warzone. This latter change is being worked on but will be coming sometime "as soon as possible in the coming months."

Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate are staying unchanged, meaning they'll deliver the same benefits as before.

This change was sudden and brings Xbox Live Gold closer in line with PlayStation Plus, which has not been required for playing free-to-play online games. Halo Infinite is set to release sometime in Fall 2021 and when it does, the multiplayer will be free-to-play. Now, players will no longer need to pick up Xbox Live Gold in order to enjoy it, making it truly free.

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Samuel Tolbert
Freelance Writer

Samuel Tolbert is a freelance writer covering gaming news, previews, reviews, interviews and different aspects of the gaming industry, specifically focusing on Xbox and PC gaming on Windows Central. You can find him on Twitter @SamuelTolbert.