What's in MrMobile's bag for 2017?

It's been a full year since I last gave you a peek into my pockets for a tour of MrMobile's Everyday Carry. That's equivalent to four years on the planet Mercury, seven years for the common canine – and roughly a century when it comes to mobile technology. In that time I've traded Windows Mobile for BlackBerry, shed the Microsoft Band in favor of some even bigger smartwatches, and upgraded to the new iPad Pro while leaving my MacBook as-is. Oh, and I bought a wallet at a comic book store. Because YOLO, or something.

So whether you're seeking early ideas for Prime Day or just wondering what populates the pockets of a crazy contrarian like me, come check out the gadgetry that gets me where I'm going – in MrMobile's 2017 Everyday Carry!

Stay social, my friends

Mr Mobile