Watch Super Mario Bros. come to life with a little help from HoloLens

We've already plenty of awesome applications of HoloLens augmented reality prowess, but arguably none have been as cool as this. Abhishek Singh, a 28-year-old developer, has managed to recreate an entire level from Super Mario Bros. on the mixed reality headset, then proceeded to film himself playing it in New York's Central Park (via UploadVR).

In speaking to UploadVR, Singh said that he put the project together in Unity, modeling all of the assets himself.

I also had to model all the assets and elements of the game and at times rethink the experience and gameplay to work in a real-world 3D setting. The most time was probably spent on tweaking the game to work in a large outdoor environment. It still has a few quirks but is definitely playable. The final level was more than 110m long!

This is a pretty cool melding of the old with the new and it provides a pretty neat look at just a sliver of what mixed reality holds for the future. Sure, there are plenty of more practical applications for the tech as well, but you've got to have a little fun, too.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl