Virtual Wednesdays: Join Russell for streaming VR on Twitch!

Best Laptop for VR
Best Laptop for VR

Our Twitch channel here at Windows Central is growing fast, and we wanted to bring something fresh and new to it. So I, Russell Holly, Windows Central's resident VR nerd, will be hopping onto Twitch every week to stream direct to you the latest and greatest for the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, and maybe even Microsoft Hololens at some point in the not-too-distant future.

All you need to do to tune in is head to the Windows Central Twitch channel every Wednesday from 9-10AM EST. Yeah, it's a little earlier than our usual Twitch streams, but like everything else we do those streams will be available to watch later if you miss anything. Until then, toss a few suggestions below with VR games you want to see me take a swing at and I'll add it to the list!

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Russell Holly

Russell is a tech nerd who chases the best of everything, from phones to game consoles to laptops and everything glowing or beeping. He's the Managing Editor of gaming content for Mobile Nations and can be found contributing to all of the Mobile Nations sites. Reach out on Twitter!