Viigo's WinMo beta gets log-in fix, NBA scores

All's been relatively quiet on the Viigo front of late, with the RSS reader's "Project Tango" Windows Mobile beta, well, still in beta.

For the uninitiated, Viigo is a pretty robust RSS reader that stores and gives you access to your feed list from Viigo's servers. Switch devices and your feeds follow you. No need to manually re-enter them, which is a godsend. You can also manage your feed list from a standard Web page.

In addition to being a standard RSS reader, you also get election news, weather info, sports scores — as our cousins at beat us to the punch just noted, NBA scores are now available — stocks and airline information, and local classified listings.

However, a number of users (including yours truly) recently ran into an issue that kept them from logging into their accounts from the phone, thus denying access to their feeds. That issue has been fixed in a new build. Go get it here.

If you haven't tried Viigo, give it a shot. The beta's free and works on touchscreen and non-touchscreen phones. And as long as you're adding RSS feeds be sure to check out our new combined RSS feed for the Smartphone Experts Network.

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