Trivia Crack gets updated with new languages, bug fixes, but still lacks features

Trivia Crack, the popular social quiz game that launched on Windows Phone back in September, got a small update with some new minor features. It also includes some general bug fixes.

Trivia Crack v1.1

  • Additional languages. You can now play in Russian, Japanese, and Dutch.
  • Dashboard and game screen now refresh automatically.

Unfortunately, the Windows Phone version of Trivia Crack still lacks many of the major gameplay features that players on iOS and Android enjoy, like achievements, leveling, and group challenges. Even certain fundamental functions like character animations and some tutorials are missing in action. You also are unable to submit questions or see which questions have been submitted by others.

For all of its shortcomings, it is still a positive sign that Trivia Crack came to Windows Phone when it did. Unlike other viral games like Candy Crush, that came well after the height of their popularity, Trivia Crack's release on Windows Phone was not far off from other platforms.

Although the game peaked in Latin American countries ages ago, it just became the #1 trivia game in the UK in February and it has been a top game on iOS and Android now for over two months, reportedly breaking a record. Needless to say, this game still has legs, especially outside of its originating market.

It may not be perfect, but at least we can drop some knowledge on our Facebook friends from our phones.

Have you become a Trivia Crack addict? Be sure to chime in below in the comments!

QR: trivia crack

Seth Brodeur