Treo 800w: Voice Dialing Over Bluetooth Update Coming Soon
Well, chalk this one up to fast turn fact one of the fastest we've ever seen from Palm.
First some background: when the Sprint Treo 800w was in it's final stages of release, one of the more anticipated features was the ability to use Microsoft's Voice Command 1.6 over Bluetooth (after all, that brilliant apps comes built into the device's ROM). This would allow you to hear the program's responses and reminders over your headset and just as importantly, bark your commands via the headset.
In our forums there has been lots of discussion over this because once the phone was released it turns out this feature was missing--leaving lots of people quite upset (the phrase "deal breaker" is mentioned a lot).
Fast forward 2 weeks and Palm already has a space reserved for an update to enable this feature. The page simply reads:
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