Take the VisionMobile Developer Economics Survey and you could win a Surface 3 tablet!

We're proud to be supporting the latest Developer Economics survey run by our friends at VisionMobile! This is the 11th developer survey, and it's titled Developer Tools Benchmarking.

Whether you're looking to share your thoughts with the dev community, find out something new, contribute to leading developer research - or win a great prize - this is the survey for you!

The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. It features questions on the languages and tools you use, the customers you're targeting, and asks your opinion on some of the software and services that you use. You can talk about what's fantastic or frustrating about the tools you're using, what you're building, why, and where you go to find out how.

VisionMobile will share the key findings with you, and will also help you understand how you compare to other developers. Plus, they have tons of prizes up for grabs! You could win a Surface 3 tablet, a Lumia 635, or another awesome prize just for taking the survey!

Take the survey now!{.cta .large}

Michelle Haag