Surface Duo's August 2021 Android security and firmware update is here

Surface Duo March2021 Update
Surface Duo March2021 Update (Image credit: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central)

What you need to know

  • The Surface Duo August 2021 Android security and firmware update has arrived.
  • It's 40.22MB and brings the build number up to 2021.721.41.
  • The changelog for the update is now live and posted below.

It's that special time of the month again when Surface Duos get their regularly scheduled updates. This time around, it's another standard security-and-firmware-fueled month without any major bells or whistles, as indicated by the 40.22MB size. The changelog is live on Microsoft's site, meaning we know exactly what's in the forty-megabyte package, which brings the Surface Duo up to build number 2021.721.41 (for North America).

Update: The changelog is now available. This update is merely installing the Google security patch for August 5th.

  • 2021.721.41 (North America)
  • 2021.721.43 (Europe)
  • 2021.721.42 (AT&T Locked Device)
  • Addresses scenarios outlined in the Android Security Bulletin - August 2021.

As is usual with these updates, security is addressed, helping keep the device free of critical vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the device's update says it "improves the performance and stability" of the Duo, though that's just a way to reiterate the security item in this month's particular instance.

One thing that's not in the update is Android 11, to the disappointment of some users over on Reddit.

Don't forget the Surface Duo 2 is on the horizon. As you might expect, Windows Central readers are pretty darn excited for it, having voted it as their most anticipated upcoming Surface device.

Robert Carnevale

Robert Carnevale is the News Editor for Windows Central. He's a big fan of Kinect (it lives on in his heart), Sonic the Hedgehog, and the legendary intersection of those two titans, Sonic Free Riders. He is the author of Cold War 2395. Have a useful tip? Send it to