Superhot makers say Mind Control Delete expansion won't come to VR, but the next might

Superhot (Image credit: Superhot)

What you need to know

  • SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE releases on July 16, 2020, on PC, Xbox, PS4, and Mac.
  • MIND CONTROL DELETE, the third game in the SUPERHOT series, will not feature any VR content.
  • The studio is actively working on new VR projects and could show them off in the future.

SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE mind be on the minds of many gamers around the world (thanks to its July 16 release date), but VR gamers will have to wait a bit longer before seeing something new from the studio. MIND CONTROL DELETE, a brand new third game in the SUPERHOT universe, adds in more story, more trademark slow-motion gameplay, and surprising ways to eliminate your foes using only your movements as the way to control time.

While the titles may not clue you in, SUPERHOT, SUPERHOT VR, and SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE are three completely different games all set in the same universe. MIND CONTROL DELETE was announced at the tail-end of 2017 and has seen a significant number of revamps and changes since the original Early Access release, resulting in a very different game from what it started out as. Given the massive difference between just this title and SUPERHOT VR, the developers say they'll need a bit more time before anything new in the VR space surfaces.

Anyone who has played SUPERHOT VR will immediately tell you how immersive and unique the title is. It translates perfectly into VR since time moves only when you move, giving you complete freedom of time control thanks to individual hand and head tracking. SUPERHOT VR has amassed quite a following over the years and ranks among the three best-selling VR titles on any platform, so it's any wonder that people are clammoring for a new version. While the developers said that MIND CONTROL DELETE won't feature any VR compatibility, they've made it known that a new VR title from the studio is in the works.

SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE is out now on Xbox, Windows, Mac, and PS4 platforms and is completely free for anyone who has previously purchase the original SUPERHOT. This free offer is available to anyone who purchased the game before July 16, 2020, via before the 16th of July 2020 for Steam, PlayStation, Xbox, Epic Games Store, Origin, or GOG and can be redeemed on the official SUPERHOT website. The game features the same amazing slow-motion gameplay but this time around packs in more story and a roguelike structure.

Nicholas Sutrich

Nick started with DOS and NES and uses those fond memories of floppy disks and cartridges to fuel his opinions on modern tech. Whether it's VR, smart home gadgets, or something else that beeps and boops, he's been writing about it since 2011. Reach him on Twitter or Instagram @Gwanatu