Slack for Windows gets a little less bloated with its latest update

Slack for Windows 10 has snagged a new update that, while it doesn't contain any single standout feature, offers some nice improvements when taken together. Included are things like an improved spellcheck for 3 languages, and text pasting tweaks. On a more technical side of things, the app is also now a little less bloated thanks to some memory improvements.

Here's a look at all of what's new and fixed in version

  • The way we load teams you don't view often has been changed to reduce the app's carbon* footprint. (*memory. When we say carbon, we mean memory. Let's pretend it's a comment on climate change things, shall we?)
  • Folks consistently unable to load the app will now be greeted by a troubleshooting page that offers suggestions on making their situation better. (Spoiler: it's usually to do with over-zealous antivirus software).
  • Those pasting text with style into a Post then finding their text to have "no style" can now Paste & Match Style under the Edit menu.
  • You can see our Help Center documentation in – of all places – the Help menu. The almost over-intuitively named Open Help Center item will be your friend.
  • Spellcheck support for three (세!) additional languages; writers of Korean, Portugese (Brazilian), and Albanian type a little easier.
  • Fixed: Waking Slack after hibernation or a system crash occasionally found all your teams missing. Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience; it no longer should.
  • Fixed: A rare bug where team icons shuffled out of formation in the sidebar. They're more stoic and sticky and as a bonus, rearranging them is smoother.
  • Fixed: On Windows, a handful of zoom-based glitches: borders inappropriately sized, taskbars jumping around. All of that? Smoothed. Fixed: Customers typing in languages that use IME composition (Korean, for example) will find that the message input is 82% stickier.

As you might recall, the Slack desktop app was only just recently added to the Windows Store, so it's now up for grabs in 2 different places. If you prefer to manage things through the Windows Store, you can grab it there now. Otherwise, the app is also up for grabs through Slack's website as well.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl