Resident Evil 'Project Resistance' currently targets 4K resolution on Xbox One X

Resident Evil Project Resistance logo
Resident Evil Project Resistance logo (Image credit: Capcom)

What you need to know

  • Digital Foundry took an early look at Capcom's next Resident Evil project, Project Resistance.
  • Though the game is still in an early state, Digital Foundry confirmed it's running at 4K resolution on Xbox One X.
  • This could change later, as there were noticeable frame dips and other issues during gameplay.

Earlier this year, Capcom surprised Resident Evil fans with the next entry in the series, a co-operative, asymmetrical multiplayer experience dubbed Project Resistance. The game is still in development, but Digital Foundry recently got its hands on the game and gameplay footage at Microsoft's X019 conference, and it's looking like it'll rank up there with the Resident Evil 2 remake and Devil May Cry 5 in visual quality.

According to Digital Foundry's analysis, Project Resistance is targeting and achieves at an even 3840 x 2160, or 4K, resolution on the Xbox One X. This is notable because the Resident Evil 2 remake ran at a lower resolution to hit 60 frames per second (FPS) upon release. Both are based on the RE Engine, so the same visual flourishes seen in previous games can be seen in this early iteration of Project Resistance. Though it sports a higher pixel count, Digital Foundry noted that the frame rate hovered mostly between 30 and 40 FPS, though it's currently uncapped up to 60 FPS.

It's still early days for Project Resistance, and there's much more randomness and variability inherent in its multiplayer design. It's likely that we'll see that 4K resolution target scaled back in the final release in order to maintain a steady framerate unless Capcom can pull a rabbit out of a hat.

Project Resistance looks interesting, with gameplay pitting one player against a team of three, commanding zombies and other enemies from the Resident Evil universe as the co-operative trio attempts to puzzle their way through a level before time runs out. The game looks very much like a Left 4 Dead-style experience, albeit from a third-person viewpoint.

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Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl