Received a defective Xbox One? Well at least you get a free game!

A ton of excitement surrounded the launch of Microsoft’s Xbox One gaming console, but for some, their purchases were met with disappointment. A faulty Blu-ray disc drive had plagued many on launch day and resulted in initially excited, but ultimately disappointed gamers. Luckily for those who are having the issue, Microsoft will be buying you a free launch game!

You heard it correct, if you have been experiencing an issue with your Xbox One’s disc drive, Microsoft is offering one of a few select titles up for digital download. Options include Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3, and Zoo Tycoon.

Any customers who are legitimately having the issue, can submit a support request with Xbox One customer support and will then receive the gift through the company’s Xbox One advance exchange program.

So, you Xbox One owners with a broken disc drive and a broken heart – go get a free game, it's on Microsoft!

Source: CNET

Michael Archambault