Pattern your home screen this Wallpaper Wednesday

Wallpapers are important. They can give our phone a new feel, even if only for a little while. Some of us change wallpapers as often as we change shirts (sometimes to match), while some of us set one wallpaper and forget it, and that's a shame. A good wallpaper can be a pick-me-up, can remind us of better times (and upcoming times). They can show off what's important to us, be it a picture of the grandkids or an emblem of your favorite house in Game of Thrones. In an effort to brighten your screen, and maybe your day, we present an offering of wonderful wallpapers to grace your smartphone.

If you've got a wallpaper you use everywhere, share it in the comments below! We're always looking for something new. Now get your wallpaper picker ready and see what's in store this week.

Spaceship Earth

Who wants to come with me back to Disney World?

I can't look at a golf ball without thinking of Epcot. And while our phones may be bringing the promise of the future to our homes, our pockets, and the rest of our lives, if you need a little more vintage futuristic-ness on your device, this wallpaper is here for you.


Spaceship Earth

Angular Infinity

Which side are you on?

This dark, angular wallpaper adds order to your screen while also offering a slight air of mystery as the pattern replicates into the shadows. It would also make an exceptionally good wallpaper for any Ingress fans out there... And Jan Robbe has got a sweet page full of wall-worthy images.

Angular Infinity by Jan Robbe

Mosaic Ceiling

Beautiful, isn't it?

Mosaics like these mesmerize and amaze, and if you'd like to bring their complex beauty to your desktop, we've got a wallpaper for your. This wallpaper is based on an actual mosaic on the ceiling of a tomb in Iran, edited to a more neutral palette that plays nice with more screens and more themes.

Mosaic Ceiling by hanciong{.cta .large}


Honey honey honey honey

Honey… honey, honey, honey, honey…

Ahem, sorry, my Winnie The Pooh filter kicked on. What were we talking about? Oh, right? This geometric beauty makes me want to find some honey and slather it on some warm baguettes. Om nom nom nom.


Geometric Landscape

The sun setting on the ocean... Did we find this in Atlantica somewhere?

I feel like we'll find a mural like this down in Atlantis when we finally find the city and convince Arthur Curry we're not going to overthrow his kingdom. (Well, not violently overthrow it, anyways…) And this symmetrical wallpaper is equally at home on phones or tablets, giving a sophisticated look to your screen.

Geometric Landscape by TiltedSquare

Ara Wagoner

Ara Wagoner is a Writer at Windows Central. She's addicted to music and video subscriptions. When she's not writing help and how-to's, she's running around Walt Disney World and singing show tunes. If you see her without headphones, RUN. You can follow her on Twitter at @arawagco.