Pandemy Flu Alert: Because you can't be too careful (or panic too soon)

We're really trying not to chuckle over this one, but swine flu is serious stuff. So if you've just got to know who's sick around you, Pandemy Flu Alert's got you covered. It'll tap into your phone's location services – GPS, tower location, etc. – check with the "Internet database" (whatever that is) and plot the nearest H1N1 report on a Google map. Handy for all you hypochondriacs out there. Says it works on all Windows phones. (If you actually try this, let us know in the comments.)

As for the other diseases you may have picked up over the weekend? You're on your own there.

H1N1 Pandemy Flu Alert [via]

Phil Nickinson

Phil is the father of two beautiful girls and is the Dad behind Modern Dad. Before that he spent seven years at the helm of Android Central. Before that he spent a decade in a newsroom of a two-time Pulitzer Prize-finalist newspaper. Before that — well, we don't talk much about those days. Subscribe to the Modern Dad newsletter!