Outlook, Xbox Live and other Microsoft services hit with sign-in issues

If you're currently experiencing a bit of trouble signing into any Microsoft services, you're not alone. Xbox, Outlook, and Skype appear to have all been hit with sign-in problems to some extent this morning, though the issue seems to be sporadic.

We've received tips that, in addition to the above, OneDrive appears to have been affected as well. In the case of Skype, Microsoft says it has resolved whatever was causing the problem. However, the Xbox Live Status Page shows it is still experiencing some issues, and the Outlook status shows much the same.

It's not clear what the cause of the issue is, but hopefully Microsoft is quick to resolving the outages. We'll update this article when things look in the clear.

Thanks for the tips, everyone!

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl