Customer irate over Best Buy and Lumia 920 gets sent a 9lb package from Nokia [Update inside!]

A lot of times we get asked which Windows Phone is the best. That’s a big decision since no phone can truly be the undisputed winner when there are so many variables to consider.

A Lumia 920 could be perfect for me, but if you Skype a lot you might prefer the 8X and the extra space in your pocket. That being said, Nokia does like to differentiate itself from other Windows Phone OEM’s with software exclusives and some great customer service. For example, Windows Phone Central forum member lsmachado received some stellar customer service from the Finnish company and has shared the experience with us.

This story should fill you with warmth and tide you over until you’ve been stuffed with Turkey...

The story starts with some poor customer service from Best Buy when she preordered the phone on October 21st. The phone from that first order was shown as ‘backordered’ up until this past weekend. She called a few times to get more information about her order and was given the run around from the popular retailer. lsmachado then took the proactive step of sending an email to Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, which to his surprise was replied by the man himself and with head of marketing, Matt Rothshild, copied. The email simply said his team would look into it.

Turns out Best Buy canceled his first order and then canceled his second. That second cancelation prompted her to send an email to Matt Rothshild about his frustration trying to get a Lumia 920. The next part of the story is too good, so here it is verbatim:

“I was shocked when I checked my voicemail today and had a call from Mr. Rothschild! He told me that Nokia was sending me an early Christmas present of a new phone, and I would be receiving it tomorrow!! He asked me to give him a call back, which I did, just to thank him for his intervention on my behalf. He said that Nokia was having a discussion with management at Best Buy regarding their handling of order fulfillment.Then, and here's the kicker, he told me to make sure I checked the tracking information with UPS, because he said there were also some "extras" in the package to make my experience with the phone even more enjoyable! OMG! I checked the shipping weight on UPS website, and it says the package weighs 9lbs!”

What a great experience for her and we’re excited she’ll be getting his Lumia 920 soon. The cool part about this story is how Nokia went out of their way to help a customer get their product. It’s great to see customer service like that still alive and well. Now we just need to wait for the update as to what other goodies are coming with the phone.p

Update! Ismachado left a comment below, first to correct me that he is in fact a she (a billion apologies, no way to tell earlier ) and with what all was in the box! She walked away with a red Lumia 920 and Monster Purity headset! Congrats to her!

Do you have a similar experience with Nokia (or even HTC or Samsung)? Share it with us in comments.

Source: Windows Phone Central Forums

Sam Sabri