MLB: The Show goes multiplatform, confirmed for Xbox (update)

MLB: The Show
MLB: The Show (Image credit: Sony)

What you need to know

  • MLB: The Show is a popular baseball franchise from Sony.
  • It's been a PlayStation Exclusive for many years.
  • The Major League Baseball organization said it's going multiplatform by 2021.
  • It's probably going to land on Project Scarlett and Nintendo Switch.

Updated December 10, 2019: The official Xbox Twitter account basically confirmed the Xbox version of the game.

MLB: The Show is an incredibly popular baseball franchise from Sony Interactive Entertainment. It's regarded as one of the best PlayStation Exclusive series out there and garners fantastic reviews every year. From the looks of it, it's no longer going to be a multiplatform game. Today, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced that future iterations would be available on other consoles by as early as 2021.

Part of the statement the organization provided can be seen below.

Major League Baseball, the Major League Baseball Players Association, Sony Interactive Entertainment, and San Diego Studio jointly announced today that they have entered into multi-year extensions to continue development and distribution of MLB: The Show, the award-winning officially licensed video game. In addition, the historic expansion of the long-standing partnerships will bring MLB: The Show, for the first time ever, to additional console platforms beyond PlayStation platforms as early as 2021. Complete details will be announced at a later date.

Given the fact that the statement says "additional console platforms," it's likely that it's going to come to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. However, by the time the first entry lands, it'll probably be available for Project Scarlett because Microsoft's next-generation machine is launching in Holiday 2020. Given the fact that the Switch released rather recently, there probably won't be a successor announced by 2021.

When news of this broke, Xbox's Larry Hryb and the Nintendo Twitter account both emphasized that it was coming to additional consoles. However, we'll have to wait for an official announcement to be sure.



Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.