Mixer to stream scary movies every Saturday in October 👻 🎃

Mixer is the game streaming platform from Microsoft, but it has branched out and started a number of unique shows. Today, the team announced that it's going to hold a "Mixer Movie Night" ever Saturday in October. Scary movies — which may end up being insanely funny instead — will be shown at 11 AM PDT and again at 4 PM PDT.

The films teased in the video sound like quality entertainment for sure. If you have a free Saturday, then be sure to check out Mixer Movie Night. A Mosquito-Man sounds quite intriguing.


This is definitely an interesting feature because it moves Mixer beyond simply a game sharing platform. Screening films also builds a community around the service.

It'll be interesting to see what events the service holds in the future.

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Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.