Minecraft 'Bedrock' 1.12.0 patch notes: Permission settings for Realm owners, bug fixes, and more
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What you need to know
- Minecraft is an incredibly popular building game.
- It keeps on getting new features to allow for easier building.
- Today, the game new features for Realm owners and content creators.
- Minecraft is part of Xbox Game Pass which you can get through Best Buy.
Minecraft has been getting few features for many years now, and that's one of the main reasons why it's played by over 90 million players each month. Today, Minecraft got a massive patch which addresses permission settings for Realm owners, brings numerous bug fixes, and changes the way creators can access certain commands. You can take a look at the patch notes below. They have been edited for clarity.
- Increased the frequency and volume of the ambient mob sounds made during raids, to make them easier to locate.
- Added new Wandering Trader sounds.
- Updated the main menu splash text.
- Updated the default main menu panorama from Aquatic to Village & Pillage.
- The Store button on the main menu has been renamed to Marketplace.
- Realm owners can now set relevant permissions for players invited to their Realm.
- Default settings can be set for all new members entering a Realm
- The owner can set permissions for an invited player to either visitor, member, or operator.
- When resetting a world, or uploading a new world, already set permissions stay in place.
- Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when launching the game on some Windows 10 devices.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when certain interactive blocks are loading in when joining a Realm.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when switching players on Xbox One.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when engaging in a fight with an Elder Guardian in an Ocean Monument.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading the game.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when throwing an Egg or Snowball.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trading with a Villager.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when throwing a trident with Loyalty enchantment
- Fixed a crash that could occur on Nintendo Switch when the game was saving or loading.
- Fixed a crash on Nintendo Switch that could occur when suspending and resuming the game.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when signing into Xbox Live.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when choosing a skin on launch of the game.
- Fixed a Marketplace issue that could result in the game getting stuck or crashing when loading in items.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the game was checking for previously downloaded content.
- Made further performance improvements when opening inventory screens.
- Made several performance improvements related to various interface screens and interactions.
- Significantly reduced bandwidth usage by allowing the client to reuse chunks it has already seen.
- Improved chunk loading performance in multiplayer.
- Improved performance around new villages and villager job sites.
- Several other performance improvements, including some related to mob pathfinding.
- Frosted ice blocks no longer drops performance while they're melting.
- Endermen teleporting particles no longer cause consistent performance drops, especially during boss fights.
- Reduced the amount of memory required to load textures.
- Cached resource packs no longer decrease performance on Nintendo Switch.
- Removed an unnecessary Xbox Live sign-in notification.
- Fixed an issue where consuming the last item in a stack to unlock an achievement could cause the achievement not to unlock.
- The Haggler achievement once again unlocks when requirements are met.
- The Zombie Doctor achievement now unlocks when curing a zombie villager.
- Marketplace resource packs are now immediately applied after downloading in the world edit menu.
- Player permissions now apply correctly when more than one operator tries to adjust them.
- Made improvements to roaming skins, which should apply correctly after reloading or reinstalling the game and signing in.
- Custom skins are now applied correctly without needing to restart the game to see them.
- Skins equipped from the Recent section are once again applied when selected.
- World settings now sync correctly between different Xbox One devices.
- Resource packs are now applied correctly after downloading through the world or global settings.
- Newly purchased Realms are now always visible after finalizing the purchase.
- Fixed an issue that would show an error message when attempting to renew a Realm subscription on Xbox One.
- Fixed several related issues with End Gateway portals. These should now teleport the player to the correct safe location when used.
- Villager trading now properly takes away items from the second slot, when applicable.
- Only players who fought in a raid now receive the Hero of the Village effect in Realms.
- The Bad Omen effect is now only received when killing an Illager Captain, not when dealing non-fatal damage with a bow or potion.
- Players no longer see through the world when clipping into blocks after leaving a boat.
- You can now interact with blocks while holding a charged crossbow on touch devices.
- Players no longer clip through walls when transitioning from swimming to standing in water.
- Players that are being healed can now still be knocked back by TNT.
- Arrows that are shot into blocks keep their position when reloading the world.
- Area of Effect clouds no longer try to spawn excessive numbers of particles when time of day is changed.
- Corrected the position of leads on Wolves.
- Tamed cats no longer slide around while sitting.
- Fixed the missing Taiga Zombie Villager skin.
- Fixed a fighting texture issue on some Villager skins.
- Dyed leather horse armor color no longer affects other horse armor.
- Vindicators can now path correctly over carpet during raids.
- The Wither no longer plays its spawning animation when reloading a world.
- Mobs will no longer path-find over Brewing Stands.
- Added a sound to indicate when a villager does not want to trade.
- Illager Captains now drop banners correctly even if the world is reloaded.
- Mobs will now spawn on double slabs.
- Fixed the sitting model for cats that were previously tamed ocelots.
- Fixed missing zombie villager sounds.
- Certain zombie villagers now have the correct name in death messages instead of a placeholder name.
- Mobs no longer get stuck when pathfinding on ladders.
- Evokers no longer move too fast when moving towards villages in raids.
- Mobs no longer spawn inside leaves during raids.
- Villagers that are actively trading with players will no longer run and hide when the raid bell rings.
- Clerics now correctly pathfind to their job sites.
- Tamed tuxedo cats now use the proper texture.
- Stray cats can no longer claim beds in villages for worlds converted from version 1.10.
- The Ghast spinning model in monster spawners is now the correct size.
- Fixed wandering trader podzol and coral trades.
- Fletchers now trade sixteen arrows instead of five.
- Changed the cost of butcher's cooked rabbit trade.
- Leatherworker's saddle trade is lowered from ten to six emeralds.
- Removed the sand trade from the wandering trader and adjusted the cost of a diamond hoe from tool smith villagers.
- Iron Golems no longer run to the world center after their village is destroyed.
- Villagers without professions now follow regular schedules and will actually sleep, which they deeply need.
- Fixed the creeper model in some Marketplace maps.
- Converting a normal Pillager to a Captain with tag commands now displays the banner correctly.
- Fixed various scenarios where certain blocks couldn't be placed until the game was restarted.
- Frosted ice blocks can now be broken.
- Fixed Sea Grass texture brightness.
- Bamboo leaves are now lighter.
- Flowing lava once again turns into cobblestone when hit by water.
- Red sandstone stairs now have correct textures on all sides.
- Players no longer lose villager job site locations if they replace a job site block that is tied to an experienced villager.
- Village job site blocks now have consistent sound volume levels when used by players.
- Scaffolding can no longer be placed on Conduit blocks.
- The Bell now swings towards a player when it is hit.
- Note Block particles now correctly correspond to the notes played.
- The grindstone now correctly combines and repairs two damaged items.
- Farmland now has the correct side and bottom textures.
- Smokers now have the correct bottom texture.
- Fixed door and trapdoor textures.
- Cocoa beans now break and drop when pushed by pistons.
- Slabs and other non-solid blocks once again prevent grass from growing on dirt.
- Flowing water is no longer left behind after flowing over string.
- Bells now ring when hit with splash and lingering potions.
- Composter growth particles now appear in the correct location.
- Blocks can once again be placed on unlit Redstone Ore.
- Fixed animated textures for flowing lava and water on several texture packs.
- Efficiency pickaxes now break packed ice at a faster rate.
- Dropped items no longer prevent minecarts from being placed on rails.
- Empty glass bottles now stack correctly when removed from brewing stands.
- Banner patterns can no longer be lost or duplicated when switching them in a loom with a full inventory.
- Using Pick Block on sweet berry bushes now gives the player the correct item.
- Bone meal is now consumed correctly when used on grass.
- Cactus blocks of different growth stages can be smelted into green dye again.
- Stripped birch wood is no longer used to craft acacia planks when playing on Realms.
- Shields no longer appear too bright in item frames.
- Updated the Illager Banner texture.
- Barrels now appear in the proper place of the creative inventory.
- Correct colors of wool are now displayed as a material required to create colored banners in the recipe book.
- The player's arm is no longer displaced in first person view after eating food.
- Tinted spawn eggs are now properly scaled in item frames.
- Fixed a bug on dedicated servers and Realms which could cause the wrong block types to generate in the world.
- Tweaked the number of job sites that generate in villages.
- Updated the glass texture for locked maps in the Cartography Table UI.
- Adjusted the Cartography Table screen to fit Android screens when using Classic Interface.
- Pressing the Y button on controller on the Cartography output slot now only crafts the correct amount.
- Added controller tooltips for the Lectern screen.
- The villager trading screen no longer opens and closes if the player is standing too far away.
- Items that are split between slots in the villager trading screen still count as a total trade amount.
- The How to Play button on the Cartography Table now directs to the proper screen.
- Killing a wandering trader's llama can no longer display their inventory screen.
- The screen reader prompt no longer appears every time network settings are adjusted on Nintendo Switch.
- The Always Day toggle now correctly animates and shows the correct setting.
- Dates appear again next to player earned achievements in the Achievements menu.
- The Invite to Game button is no longer enabled on Featured Servers.
- Going back to the Play screen or Settings screen will now properly select the previously selected tab when Text to Speech is enabled.
- The Wheel Turning button is now only shown once in the Minecraft VR settings.
- Made improvements to the patch notes to make sure the correct ones show up after an update.
- The Marketplace search screen now displays the proper pack icons.
- The New tag will be properly removed from a Marketplace collection once it has been viewed.
- Fixed Marketplace sale items not showing the discount percentage.
- Further improvements to performance when using selectors with commands.
- Removed tile prefix in the /give command.
- Made item names more consistent by removing tile from the beginning of some of them.
- Blocks and entities that aren't available in the Creative inventory no longer require the minecraft namespace when used as parameters in commands.
- After fishing_hook is killed by command, players can now cast the hook again without having to cast twice.
- Killing a rideable entity no longer respawns its rider when killed in the same tick.
- The testforblock command now works reliably with items renamed in the language files.
- The Behavior Pack template once again contains the spawn_rules folder.
- Removing a timer component and adding a new one should no longer have the new timer inherit the old timer's time value.
- Custom underwater mobs can now spawn naturally.
- Custom entities now correctly re-evaluate current target validity.
- getBlocks now returns a 3D array of block objects.
- Fixed a scripting issue that could cause the player to float.
- ScriptAttackComponent and ScriptCollisionBoxComponent now correctly retrieve updated data.
- Pick Block now works correctly on non-vanilla entities that have been added using add-ons.
- Functions ran on a game loop now use an origin which has Game Master permissions, not Owner permissions.
- Added a new constructor parameter to the ServerCommandOrigin so that the Function Manager can create an instance with upgraded permissions.
- Player Position is now reported for the player feet like other mobs.
- Collision Box and Attack components report the correct data now.
- Updated templates for 1.12.0 with new resources, behaviors, documentation, and example packs can be downloaded from aka.ms/MinecraftAddons.
- Created a screen to view content log errors for Behavior and Resource Packs.
- The log screen can be opened using Ctrl + H after enabling in Profile Settings.
- Enabled content logging for creators on Bedrock Dedicated Server to debug pack errors.
- Mob events can now be toggled using the new /mobevent command.
- Particle emitters can now trigger slash commands, actor events, and MoLang expressions.
- Added the ability to play single animations at any time, overriding an entity's current state-based animation.
- Animations and particles can be spawned without being linked to entities using animation timelines.
- Sound effects can now be triggered by animation events.
- Added auto-complete to the Command Input field for command blocks.
- A delay can be added to the command block using the new field, measured in Redstone ticks.
- Allows custom crafting recipes for shaped crafting, shapeless crafting, and furnaces using Behavior Packs.
- Recipe JSON files have been added to the Behavior Pack template.
- New simple items can be added to the game using Behavior Packs.
- Currently, only a subset of components has been exposed, with more being added in future updates to allow more complex behaviors.
- Some items, such as food, are now data-driven and their JSON files have been added to the Behavior Pack template.
- New "simple" blocks can be added to the game using Behavior Packs.
- Currently, only a subset of components has been exposed, with more being added in future updates to allow more complex behaviors.
- New data-driven articles.
- New data-driven Animations
- Script engine updates.
- New block events and two new APIs have been included to query for blocks.
- Basic inventory events have been exposed to the Script Engine.
- Allows executing commands with a callback when the command is executed without using events.
- Data is contained in objects passed to callbacks under the data field.
- Custom events need to be registered before being triggered.
Be sure to check out these changes if you play Minecraft. The game is currently available through Xbox Game Pass. You can either pay $10 a month for Xbox Game Pass, or pick up Xbox Game Pass Ultimate which bundles Xbox Game Pass for consoles, Xbox Game Pass for PC, and Xbox Live Gold into one package.
Three-month subscription
Xbox Game Pass gives you access to over a hundred games for one monthly fee. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate also adds Xbox Live Gold to the package so you can play online with your friends.
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Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.