Microsoft India launches Kaizala, a mobile group and work communication app

Microsoft India has officially launched Kaizala, a mobile communications app for businesses and organizations. Originally available as a preview app from Microsoft's experimental Garage division, Kaizala is now available as a full release.

Kaizala itself is intended to help organizations in India stay connected an coordinated everywhere. The mobile-only app combines large group communications with other features like surveys, actions and more. Here's a look at some of its features:

  • Announcement - Make key announcements or share updates
  • Job - Assign jobs to people and track completion status
  • Let's Meet - Invite people to meetings and confirm their availability status
  • Photo with Location - Share a picture with your current location
  • Quick Poll - Ask a question and get people's opinion
  • Request Location - Request people to share their location
  • Share Location - Share your location with others
  • Survey - Ask a series of questions and get people's opinions

Microsoft India says it is also launching Kaizala Pro alongside the basic service, which it says will give organizations "full administrative control of their groups." A Kaizala management portal is also available via the Office 365 dashboard on the web.

Curiously, while Microsoft's press release specifically mentions Kaizala for Android and iOS are now available, it leaves out the Windows 10 Mobile app. Despite its omission, the app is indeed available on Windows 10 Mobile as well, though it's currently still labeled as a preview.

Download Kaizala from the Windows Store

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl