Mass Effect: Andromeda romance guide — Flirt your way to intergalactic love
When it comes to romance in the Andromeda galaxy, you've got plenty of options.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has you searching out a new galaxy in order to find a new home for your people. It includes plenty of terraforming, fighting, intrigue, and of course, love. You have the option to romance a number of your different crewmates. Trying to catch every flirting cue while you are fighting your way through a new galaxy can be pesky, and because gender plays a role, trying to capture the object of your affection can be some serious work. That's why we put together this handy guide to help ensure that you can snag the character who stole your heart.
To keep it simple, we separated this guide by character so that you have all the details you need at a glance. Just remember that certain characters will only be interested in a particular gender Ryder sibling, and not every character will want an exclusive romance. Also keep in mind that by reading this guide you may see spoilers for later in the game related to certain romances. Each romance requires you to complete certain actions. You should also always flirt if the conversation option with a heart pops up in a conversation, and do anything a participant might ask you to, as well as read any emails that they send you.
It's also worth noting that some romances are more intensive than others. Just about every one of them requires that you flirt, along with finishing a loyalty mission if it's a playable member of your party. We've listed out every opportunity you have to flirt with a given character. However, you don't need to flirt absolutely every chance you get; a minimum of three instances of flirting will get the job done. If you want to fully follow the romance arc for a character to its full conclusion, you should try to interact and flirt as much as possible. That's where this guide can be particularly helpful.
Cora Harper
Cora Harper is the first member of your crew, and she is available as a romantic interest only for the male Ryder. If you decide to pursue things with this character, it will end in an exclusive romance.
- Choose the conversation option "We'll be good together" to flirt with Cora when introduced to her on the Tempest while in the Bio Lab.
- Choose the conversation option "Oh? What about now?" in casual conversation while on the Tempest.
- Choose the conversation option "You're a romantic." You must have completed earlier conversations, have left the Tempest at least once, and be in the Bio Lab.
- Choose the conversation option "You and I can handle anything." You must have completed Mission Three, but not yet completed Mission Five.
- Talk to Cora after completing the sidequest "Sign of Life" on Eos. You must be in Bio Lab on the Tempest.
- Talk to Cora after completing Asari B-story One and after visiting Aya. You must be in the Bio Lab on the Tempest.
- Talk to Cora after completing Asaru B-story Two and after visiting Kadara to launch Cora's Loyalty mission.
- Talk to Cora on the Tempest bridge after completing her Loyalty intro.
- Talk to Cora in the Tempest Meeting Room after you return from the Loyalty Mission.
- Talk to Cora after you have completed her Loyalty mission and completed Mission Four while in Podromos on Eos. You must be the male Ryder, have flirted at least three times, and you can't be in an exclusive relationship. If you meet these requirements you'll get a kiss from Cora.
- Complete Mission Five and talk to Cora while she is on the Tempest, and then head to Ryder's quarters where she will be waiting. You must be in an exclusive relationship with her.
- When the Meridian Hub unlocks, talk to Cora in the Bio Lab on the Tempest.
Liam is the second member of your crew and is available only for the female Ryder. Your relationship will culminate in a unique friendship with unique content and an option for an exclusive relationship.
- Choose the conversation option "Company like this" when you are with Liam in the Storage Room on the Tempest.
- Talk to Liam on the Tempest.
- After you have visited Aya and Liam's research project, head to the Storage Room on the Tempest to talk to Liam. Choose the conversation options "You two should sell tickets" and "Explain and make it good."
- After you complete the quest "A Trail of Hope," return to the storage room and talk to Liam. This ought to trigger a narrative action choice for a kiss.
- While exploring Aya, after you have watched the scene at the bar, return to Liam. Choose the conversation option "I enjoyed time with you too."
- After you have settled at least three outposts, return to the storage room to speak with Liam. This should trigger his Loyalty mission.
- Talk to Liam after you have completed his Loyalty mission and after the Anvgaran Resistance has attacked Eos. Choose the conversation option "I'm interested in you."
- While in Prodomos on the planet Eos, meet up with Liam after you receive a message from him. At this point, you can commit to Liam.
- In Prodomos on the planet Eos, after you have fully researched the jet pack, talk to Liam again. A special narrative action event will occur.
You first meet Peebee on the planet of Eos while checking out Remnant technology. She is open to a relationship with male or female Ryder. A relationship with Peebee opens up after you flirt a few times, with special content and an option for an exclusive relationship. Just remember that the choice you make between a fling and a relationship with Peebee will eliminate the other option for the rest of the game.
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- Talk to Peebee in the Escape Pod on the Tempest after she joins the crew. Choose the conversation option "You crave excitement, huh?"
- Talk to Peebee after your initial conversation and choose the option "flirting."
- After you have acquired the Remnant tech that Peebee needs from Voeld, choose the conversation option "It's true."
- After you complete the quest "A Trail of Hope" and are on Aya, speak to Peebee.
- Speak to Peebee in the Escape Pod on the Tempest. Choose "I'd want strings" if you want to pursue a full relationship, or just accept and start up a fling. If you choose a fling you cannot change later to get a full relationship with Peebee.
- After you have visited Kadara and spoke to Peebee about Kalinda, speak to her again. This ought to trigger her Loyalty mission.
- Once you have finished the Loyalty mission intro, speak to Peebee on the bridge of the Tempest.
- After completing the Loyalty mission, speak to Peebee in the Escape Pod on the Tempest.
- After completing the Loyalty mission and leaving the Tempest at least once, speak to Peebee first in the Escape Pod and then in the Meeting Room. At this point, you can commit an exclusive relationship with Peebee.
- After you have completed the quest "The Journey to Meridian" and are in an exclusive relationship, interact with the gift in the Pathfinder quarters. This will fully advance your relationship with Peebee.
Vetra is a Turian mercenary that you meet when boarding the Tempest, as you leave Nexus for the first time. She is available for an exclusive relationship with both male and female Ryders.
- Speak to Vetra in the Armory on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "You're intense. I like it."
- Speak to Vetra on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "Anyone special in your life?"
- Speak to Vetra in the Armory on the Tempest after completing the quest "A Trail of Hope." Choose the conversation option "You're too tough for that."
- While on Aya, after completing the quest "A Trail of Hope," speak to Vetra.
- After interrogating Vehn in the quest "Hunting the Archon," find and speak to Vetra in the hallway on the Tempest. This should launch Vetra's Loyalty mission
- After completing Vetra's Loyalty mission, speak to her in the Armory on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I'm here for you both."
- After completing the quest "Hunting the Archon," speak to Vetra in the Armory on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I'm dreaming of someone."
- While on Kadara read the email from Vetra. She must be in your active squad. When you speak to Vetra on Kadara, a kiss Narrative Action should occur. You can also commit to a relationship with Vetra at this time.
- After completing the quest "The Journey to Meridian" speak to Vetra while on the Tempest. A Narrative Action prompt should trigger.
- Once you're in an established relationship with Vetra, speak to her in the Armory on the Tempest.
Jaal is a member of the Andromedan species Angara. You'll meet him after an incident that requires landing the Tempest, and he is available for a unique friendship with the option for an exclusivity. He is also only available for female Ryder.
- Speak to Jaal in the Tech Lab on the Tempest after you recruit him on Aya. You need to do this before you complete the quest "A trail of hope." Choose the conversation option "One more thing."
- Speak to Jaal on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "Interested?"
- After having the Akksul conversation on Vicdon, speak to Jaal in the Storage room on the Tempest. This ought to trigger his Loyalty mission.
- After visiting Kadara, speak to Jaal in the Tech Lab on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I think you're special."
- After receiving and reading Jaal's email, completing Jaal's loyalty mission, and completing the "Hunting the Archon" quest, this conversation becomes available. You must have Jaal in your active party when you head to Mom's House on Havarl. Once there, speak to Jaal and you should be able to commit to exclusivity.
- Once completing "The Journey to Meridian," speak to Jaal in the Tech Lab on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I adore you." Note that this conversation must be had before completing the game or it will expire.
- Speak to Jaal in the Tech Lab after completing the game, or after committing to Jaal and completing the quest "The Journey to Meridian." This will trigger a Narrative Action prompt.
Gil is the Chief Engineer on the Tempest. He is open for a unique friendship that has an option for exclusivity and is only available to male Ryder.
- Speak to Gil in Engineering on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I'll do more than show up."
- After visiting Aya, speak to Gil in Engineering on the Tempest. Choose the conversation "And now what?"
- After completing the quest "A Trail of Hope," speak to Gil in Engineering on the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "Slow down big guy." -After completing the quest "Hunting the Archon," speak to Gil in Engineering on the Tempest. At this point, you can choose to commit to Gil.
- Once you have committed to Gil, speak to him in Engineering on the Tempest and again in the Pathfinder's quarters. This will be the end of the relationship arc with Gil.
Suvi is a member of the Nexus science team and a crew member on the Tempest. She is available for an exclusive romance that's available only to female Ryder.
- Speak to Suvi on the Bridge of the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "I could show you."
- After settling Podromos, speak to Suvi on the Bridge of the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "We should chat more on this."
- After completing the quest "A Trail of Hope," speak to Suvi on the Bridge of the Tempest. Choose the conversation option "You're not alone."
- After completing the quest "Hunting the Archon," speak to Suvi on the Bridge of the Tempest. During the conversation you can choose to commit to Suvi.
- After completing the quest "The Journey to Meridian" and receiving Suvi's email, speak to her on the Bridge of the Tempest.
- After reading the email and completing all other conversations, speak to Suvi in the Tech Lab on the Tempest. This will trigger a Narrative Action prompt.
Avela is an Angaran who is responsible for the history of her people. She is available for both male and female Ryders, in a very chaste romance.
- After meeting Evfra on your initial visit to Evfra, speak to Avela on the docks. Choose the conversation option "To meet people like you."
- During the quest "Recovering the past," speak to Avela in the Museum on Aya.
- During the quest "Forgotten History," speak to Avela in the museum. Choose the following conversation options "I did it for you," "You got it" (after returning the instrument), "Not everything, thanks to you," (when the figurine is returned), and "Hope it helps my chances."
- After finishing the quest "The Journey to Meridian" and checking your email, speak to Avela on Aya in front of the Waterfall. At this time you'll have the option to kiss Avela.
Reyes Vidal
Reyes is a human that you meet in the Kadara Port. Originally from the Nexus, he left with the exiles and then forged his own path. Reyes is available to both male and female Ryders and has the option for a unique friendship including exclusivity.
- Speak to Reyes during "Hunting the Archon" if you decline the deal offered by Sloane.
- After interrogating Vehn, speak to Reyes in the Tartarus Bar.
- Speak to Reyes during the quest "Murder in Kadara Port."
- Speak to Reyes during the quest "Divided Loyalties" in Roekkar Hideout.
- Speak to Reyes during the quest "Divided Loyalties" while leaving the hideout.
- Speak to Reyes, and ask about his codename.
- Speak to Reyes during the quest "Precious Cargo." Speak to him again in Kralla's Song, again in the Warehouse, and again during the wrap up of the quest. -Speak to Reyes during the quest "Night Out" at the Vidcon Call, while entering the party, and in the stockroom.
Keri is in independent filmmaker who is doing a documentary series about the Nexus. You meet her when she seeks out Ryder for an interview. Keri is the flimsiest of all the relationships you can pursue, and is essentially a fling. Simply find Keri on the Nexus after you complete Priority Ops missions so that you can interview with her. You'll be able to flirt with her at this time. Keri is a fling no matter what, and you can even pursue a fling with her even while in a committed relationship with another character.
Is your Ryder in love?
Mass Effect: Andromeda is absolutely swimming with romantic options. You can go from a serious committed relationship to a more or less meaningless fling. Like real relationships, you are dealing with characters that have their own specific preferences. So some characters will only be interested in a male Ryder, while others are interested in only female Ryder. There are plenty of options, and not all of them are deep or complicated to pursue.
Have you decided who your Ryder might fall in love with? Did we miss a character or an interaction? Be sure to let us know in the comment below.