Latest Unity 3D game creation tools add Windows 10 universal app support

Game developers can now start using the popular Unity 3D tools to make titles for all Windows 10-based devices. The just launched version 5.2 version of Unity 3D now supports theUniversal Windows Platform, which will allow developers to make games that will run on Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile and the Xbox One when its upcoming dashboard update is released.

Unity 3D added:

"In further Microsoft-related news, Unity 5.2 comes with a much tighter Visual Studio integration for a vastly improved coding and debugging experience on Windows machines. The Unity installer will offer to install Visual Studio Community 2015 and Visual Studio Tools for Unity (formerly known as UnityVS). Everything just works out of the box!"

There's quite a number of other features for game developers to check out in Unity 3D 5.2, and you can check them out in its extensive change log. The full Unity Pro version is available for $1,500 or for $75 a month.

Source: Unity 3D

John Callaham