How to make all weapons, armor, and tools in Valheim

Valheim Wall Of Gear
Valheim Wall Of Gear (Image credit: Windows Central / Zackery Cuevas)

Whether you're looking to tackle Valheim's toughest bosses, find the elusive merchant Haldor, or just stay home and build a better base, Valheim has a seemingly endless supply of things to see and do. Before you venture out, however, you're going to want to make sure you've got the best armor, weapons, and tools available to get the job done.

Valheim is still in Early Access. Still, it's quickly become one of the best survival games on PC with millions of players. Being Early Access means that the developers are actively fixing bugs and adding tons of new content regularly. We'll be adding all of those new items as they appear in the game, so be sure to check back here from time to time to see what's been updated!


You can't get very far without a good weapon in Valheim. Here's a tip — one-handed weapons pair nicely with a shield.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescription/ UnlockMaterials NeededGameplay Image
Club○ A crude but useful weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Wood.○ 6 x WoodRow 0 - Cell 3
Flint Knife○ Sharpened flint, a reliable tool.○ Unlocked by acquiring Flint.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 2 x Wood○ 4 x Flint○ 4 x Leather ScrapsRow 1 - Cell 3
Flint Spear○ If your eye marks a thing for death, let your arm send the messenger.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Flint.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 5 x Wood○ 10 x Flint○ 6 x Leather ScrapsRow 2 - Cell 3
Stagbreaker○ A weapon worthy of the gods! If you get hit with this, you'll know it.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by defeating Eikthyr.○ Crafted at a level 2 Workbench.○ 20 x Core Wood○ 5 x Deer Trophy○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 3 - Cell 3
Copper Knife○ A glittering copper knife.○ Unlocked by acquiring Copper.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 2 x Wood○ 8 x CopperRow 4 - Cell 3
Bronze Atgeir○ A true warrior's tool.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 10 x Wood○ 8 x Bronze○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 5 - Cell 3
Bronze Mace○ A headache on a stick.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 4 x Wood○ 8 x Bronze○ 3 x Leather ScrapsRow 6 - Cell 3
Bronze Sword○ Blood-drinker, a thirsty friend.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 2 x Wood○ 8 x Bronze○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 7 - Cell 3
Bronze Spear○ A sturdy spear with a head of burnished bronze.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 5 x Wood○ 10 x Bronze○ 2 x Deer HideRow 8 - Cell 3
Ancient Bark Spear○ Despite its gnarled look, this spear is strong and perfectly balanced.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Ancient Bark.○ Crafted at level 3 Forge.○ 4 x Troll Hide○ 10 x Iron○ 10 x Ancient BarkRow 9 - Cell 3
Battleaxe○ If your eye marks a thing for death, let your arm send the messenger.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron and Ancient Bark.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 30 x Ancient Bark○ 35 x Iron○ 4 x Leather ScrapsRow 10 - Cell 3
Ooze Bomb○ The stench is unbereable...○ Unlocked by acquiring Ooze.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 10 x Ooze○ 3 x Resin○ 5 x Leather ScrapsRow 11 - Cell 3
Iron Sword○ The straight line between life and death runs along the edge of this sword.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 2 x Wood○ 20 x Iron○ 20 x Leather ScrapsRow 12 - Cell 3
Iron Sledge○ A mighty hammer, worthy of a champion.○ Unlocked by acquiring a Draugr Elite Trophy.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 10 x Ancient Bark○ 30 x Iron○ 4 x Ymir Flesh○ 1 x Draugr Elite TrophyRow 13 - Cell 3
Iron Mace○ A fist sized lump of iron with a wooden shaft.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 4 x Wood○ 20 x Iron○ 3 x Leather ScrapsRow 14 - Cell 3
Iron Atgeir○ Blood-drinker, skull-cracker, death-bringer.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 10 x Wood○ 30 x Iron○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 15 - Cell 3
Silver Sword○ Purest of metals, nothing unclean can abide its touch.○ Unlocked by acquiring Silver and Iron.○ Crafted at level 3 Forge.○ 2 x Wood○ 40 x Silver○ 3 x Leather Scraps○ 5 x IronRow 16 - Cell 3
Fang Spear○ The dead fear silver. Remind them why.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Silver and Iron.○ Crafted at level 3 Forge.○ 10 x Ancient Bark○ 4 x Wolf Fang○ 2 x Leather Scraps○ 2 x SilverRow 17 - Cell 3
Frostner○ The dead fear silver. Remind them why.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Silver and Iron.○ Crafted at level 3 Forge.○ 10 x Ancient Bark○ 30 x Silver○ 5 x Ymir Flesh○ 5 x Freeze GlandRow 18 - Cell 3
Abyssal Harpoon○ The ocean's wrath.○ Unlocked by acquiring Chitin.○ Crafted at level 4 Workbench.○ 8 x Fine Wood○ 30 x Chitin○ 3 x Leather ScrapsRow 19 - Cell 3
Abyssal Razor○ A knife from the deep.○ Unlocked by acquiring Chitin.○ Crafted at level 4 Workbench.○ 4 x Fine Wood○ 20 x Chitin○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 20 - Cell 3
Porcupine○ A deadly weapon, bristling with fiendish spikes.○ Unlocked by acquiring Linen Thread.○ Crafted at level 4 Forge.○ 5 x Fine Wood○ 20 x Iron○ 5 x Needle○ 10 x Linen ThreadRow 21 - Cell 3
Blackmetal Atgeir○ A vicious hewing-axe of almost unbreakable black metal.○ Two-handed weapon.○ Unlocked by acquiring Black Metal Bars and Linen Thread.○ Crafted at level 4 Forge.○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 30 x Black Metal Bars○ 5 x Linen ThreadRow 22 - Cell 3
Blackmetal Knife○ A darkling blade, strong and sharp.○ Unlocked by acquiring Black Metal Bars and Linen Thread.○ Crafted at level 4 Forge.○ 4 x Fine Wood○ 10 x Black Metal Bars○ 5 x Linen ThreadRow 23 - Cell 3


Bows are a great way to keep distance between you and an enemy.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescription/ UnlockMaterials NeededGameplay Image
Crude Bow○ A crude but functional bow.○ Unlocked by acquiring Leather Scraps.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 10 x Wood○ 8 x Leather ScrapsRow 0 - Cell 3
Finewood Bow○ A simple bow of strong and supple wood.○ Unlocked by acquiring Fine Wood and Core Wood.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 10 x Fine Wood○10 x Core Wood○ 2 x Deer HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Huntsman Bow○ Finely worked and strung, a huntsman's joy.○ Unlocked by acquiring Fine Wood and Iron.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 20 x Iron○ 10 x Feathers○ 2 x Deer HideRow 2 - Cell 3
Draugr Fang○ Dark wood strung with glistening sinew, a vicious thing.○ Unlocked by acquiring Ancient Bark, Silver, and Guck.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 10 x Ancient Bark○ 20 x Silver○ 2 x Deer Hide○ 10 x GuckRow 3 - Cell 3


Arrows and bows go hand in hand, so make sure you have some before heading out into battle.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescription/ UnlockMaterials NeededGameplay Image
Wood Arrow○ An arrow of sharpened wood.○ Unlocked by acquiring Wood.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 8 x WoodRow 0 - Cell 3
Fire Arrow○ This arrow burns whatever it pierces.○ Unlocked by acquiring Resin.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 8 x Wood○8 x Resin○ 2 x FeathersRow 1 - Cell 3
Flinthead Arrow○ A hide-breaker with a head of flint.○ Unlocked by acquiring Flint.○ Crafted at a level 2 Workbench.○ 8 x Wood○ 2 x Flint○ 2 x FeathersRow 2 - Cell 3
Bronzehead Arrow○ Sharper than flint, a sleek messenger of death.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 8 x Wood○ 1 x Bronze○ 2 x FeathersRow 3 - Cell 3
Ironhead Arrow○ Capped with iron and flighted with dark feathers.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 8 x Wood○ 1 x Iron○ 2 x FeathersRow 4 - Cell 3
Silver Arrow○ A needle to calm restless spirits.○ Unlocked by acquiring Fine Wood and Core Wood.○ Crafted at a level 3 Forge.○ 8 x Wood○1 x Silver○ 2 x FeathersRow 5 - Cell 3
Obsidian Arrow○ A sliver of darkness.○ Unlocked by acquiring Obsidian.○ Crafted at a level 3 Forge.○ 8 x Wood○ 4 x Obsidian○ 2 x FeathersRow 6 - Cell 3
Poison Arrow○ A bitter sting from afar.○ Unlocked by acquiring Obsidian.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 8 x Wood○ 4 x Obsidian○ 2 x Feathers○ 2 x OozeRow 7 - Cell 3
Frost Arrow○ A shard of piercing ice.○ Unlocked by acquiring Obsidian.○ Crafted at a level 4 Workbench.○ 8 x Wood○ 4 x Obsidian○ 2 x Feathers○ 1 x Freeze GlandRow 8 - Cell 3
Needle Arrow○ The final stitch.○ Unlocked by acquiring a Needle.○ Crafted at level 4 Workbench.○ 4 x Needle○ 2 x FeathersRow 9 - Cell 3

Armor Sets

Each piece of armor has its own stats and can be mixed and matched to your liking, but some sets provide additional buffs when worn as a complete set. Be sure to consider how you'll be adventuring before you set out. Some armor is crafted at a workbench, while others will require you to visit a forge. Whether you're going for aesthetics or preparing for a difficult fight, make sure you always have the right piece of armor on hand.

Rag set

This is the first tier of armor in the game. All characters start with a rag tunic equipped.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Rag Tunic○ Weight: 2.0○ Durability: 200○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: none○ 5 x Leather ScrapsRow 0 - Cell 3
Rag Pants○ Weight: 2.0○ Durability: 200○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: none○ 5 x Leather ScrapsRow 1 - Cell 3

Leather set

Leather armor is not only twice as durable as rag armor, but it provides twice the amount of armor and sports a craftable helm, making this the first proper full set of armor in the game.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Leather Tunic○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 400○ Armor: 2○ Special attribute: none○ 6 x Deer HideRow 0 - Cell 3
Leather Pants○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 400○ Armor: 2○ Special attribute: none○ 6 x Deer HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Leather Helmet○ Weight: 1.0○ Durability: 400○ Armor: 2○ Special attribute: none○ 6 x Deer HideRow 2 - Cell 3

Bronze set

Bronze armor recipes are unlocked the moment you pick up your first bronze bar. All bronze armor is also crafted at the forge.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Bronze Plate Cuirass○ Weight: 10.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 8○ Special attribute: -5% Movement speed○ 5 x Bronze○ 2 x Deer HideRow 0 - Cell 3
Bronze Plate Leggings○ Weight: 10.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 8○ Special attribute: -5% Movement speed○ 5 x Bronze○ 2 x Deer HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Bronze Helmet○ Weight: 3.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 8○ Special attribute: none○ 5 x Bronze○ 2 x Deer HideRow 2 - Cell 3

Troll set

Troll armor is the first one you'll craft in the game that's a four-piece set and includes the Troll Cape, which is found in the capes section below. You'll get the recipe after collecting troll hide for the first time and can craft it at a level 3 workbench.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Troll Leather Tunic○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 500○ Armor: 6○ Special attribute: 25% sneak bonus (when worn as 4-piece set)○ 5 x Troll HideRow 0 - Cell 3
Troll Leather Pants○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 500○ Armor: 6○ Special attribute: 25% sneak bonus (when worn as 4-piece set)○ 5 x Troll HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Troll Leather Helmet○ Weight: 1.0○ Durability: 500○ Armor: 6○ Special attribute: 25% sneak bonus (when worn as 4-piece set)○ 5 x Troll Hide○ 3 x Bone FragmentsRow 2 - Cell 3
Troll Hide Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 500○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: 25% sneak bonus (when worn as 4-piece set)○ 10 x Troll Hide○ 10 x Bone FragmentsRow 3 - Cell 3

Iron set

Like bronze armor, iron armor is crafted at the forge. You'll unlock iron armor recipes when you get your first iron bar, which is smelted from scrap iron found in the swamp biome. Iron armor requires a level 2 forge to craft.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Iron Scale Mail○ Weight: 15.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 14○ Special attribute: -5% Movement speed○ 20 x Iron○ 2 x Deer HideRow 0 - Cell 3
Iron Greaves○ Weight: 15.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 14○ Special attribute: -5% Movement speed○ 20 x Iron○ 2 x Deer HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Iron Helmet○ Weight: 3.0○ Durability:○ Armor: 14○ Special attribute: none○ 20 x Iron○ 2 x Deer HideRow 2 - Cell 3

Wolf set

Your first Wolf Pelt or silver bar will unlock these recipes. All wolf-named pieces can be crafted at level 2 forge, while the Drake helm only requires a level 1 forge.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Wolf Armor Chest○ Weight: 15.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 20○ Special attribute: Resistance vs frost, -5% movement speed○ 20 x Silver○ 5 x Wolf Pelt○ 1 x ChainRow 0 - Cell 3
Wolf Armor Legs○ Weight: 15.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 20○ Special attribute: -5% movement speed○ 20 x Silver○ 5 x Wolf Pelt○ 4 x Wolf FangRow 1 - Cell 3
Wolf Fur Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: Resistance vs frost○ 4 x Silver○ 6 x Wolf Pelt○ 1 x Wolf TrophyRow 2 - Cell 3
Drake Helm○ Weight: 3.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 20○ Special attribute: none○ 20 x Silver○ 2 x Wolf Pelt○ 2 x Drake TrophyRow 3 - Cell 3

Padded set

Despite its cushy name, Padded armor is actually the toughest armor in the game at this time. Padded armor recipes are unlocked after crafting Linen Thread.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Padded Cuirass○ Weight: 10.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 26○ Special attribute: -5% movement speed○ 10 x Iron○ 20 x Linen ThreadRow 0 - Cell 3
Padded Greaves○ Weight: 10.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 26○ Special attribute: none○ 10 x Iron○ 15 x Linen ThreadRow 1 - Cell 3
Padded Helmet○ Weight: 3.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 26○ Special attribute: -5% movement speed○ 10 x Iron○ 20 x Linen ThreadRow 2 - Cell 3


Capes generally add very little armor but a whole lot of style. All capes are made at the workbench. These capes are listed in order of durability.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Deer Hide Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 400○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: none○ 4 x Deer Hide○ 5 x Bone FragmentsRow 0 - Cell 3
Troll Hide Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 500○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: 25% sneak bonus (when worn as 4-piece set)○ 10 x Troll Hide○ 10 x Bone FragmentsRow 1 - Cell 3
Wolf Fur Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 1000○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: Resistance vs frost○ 4 x Silver○ 6 x Wolf Pelt○ 1 x Wolf TrophyRow 2 - Cell 3
Lox Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 1200○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: Resistant vs frost○ 6 x Lox Pelt○ 2 x SilverRow 3 - Cell 3
Linen Cape○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 1500○ Armor: 1○ Special attribute: None○ 20 x Linen Thread○ 1 x SilverRow 4 - Cell 3


Smaller shields won't provide as much damage resistance as tower shields, but smaller shields allow you to parry and move around more quickly than a tower shield. These shields are listed in order of their block power and base stats when first built.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescriptionMaterials NeededInventory Image
Wood Shield○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 20○ Movement speed: -5%○ Parry force: 20○ Parry bonus: 1.5x○ 10 x Wood○ 4 x Resin○ 4 x Leather scrapsRow 0 - Cell 3
Wood Tower Shield○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 35○ Movement speed: -20%○ 10 x Wood○ 6 x Leather ScrapsRow 1 - Cell 3
Bronze Buckler○ Weight: 3.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 45○ Movement speed: -5%○ Parry force: 30○ Parry bonus: 2x○ 10 x Bronze○ 4 x WoodRow 2 - Cell 3
Banded Shield○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 60○ Movement speed: -5%○ Parry force: 40○ Parry bonus: 1.5x○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 8 x IronRow 3 - Cell 3
Iron Tower Shield○ Weight: 4.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 75○ Movement speed: -20%○ 15 x Fine Wood○ 10 x IronRow 4 - Cell 3
Silver Shield○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 75○ Movement speed: -5%○ Parry force: 40○ Parry bonus: 1.5x○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 8 x SilverRow 5 - Cell 3
Serpent Scale Shield○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 250○ Block power: 90○ Movement speed: -10%○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 4 x Iron○ 8 x Serpent ScaleRow 6 - Cell 3
Black Metal Shield○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 90○ Movement speed: -5%○ Parry force: 50○ Parry bonus: 1.5x○ 10 x Fine Wood○ 8 x Black Metal○ 5 x ChainRow 7 - Cell 3
Black Metal Tower Shield○ Weight: 5.0○ Durability: 200○ Block power: 105○ Movement speed: -20%○ 15 x Fine Wood○ 10 x Black Metal○ 7 x ChainRow 8 - Cell 3


Not only can these tools be used for building and maintenance, but you can use them to do damage, too. Make sure you have at least one of these lying around at all times.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
NameDescription/ UnlockMaterials NeededGameplay Image
Stone Axe○ A crude axe for tree-felling.○ Unlocked at the start of the game.○ 5 x Wood○ 4 x StoneRow 0 - Cell 3
Torch○ It brings light and warmth, drives back the darkness.○ Unlocked at the start of the game.○ 1 x Wood○1 x Resin○ 2 x Deer HideRow 1 - Cell 3
Hoe○ A farmer's tool for working the earth.○ Unlocked by building the Workbench.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ Two-handed tool.○ 5 x Wood○2 x StoneRow 2 - Cell 3
Hammer○ With this in your hand, you can raise high halls and mighty fortifications.○ Unlocked by acquiring Wood and Stone.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 3 x Wood○2 x StoneRow 3 - Cell 3
Flint Axe○ Sharper than stone.○ Unlocked by building a Workbench.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 4 x Wood○ 6 x FlintRow 4 - Cell 3
Antler Pickaxe○ This tool is hard enough to crack even the most stubborn rocks.○ Unlocked by acquiring Hard Antler.○ Crafted at Workbench.○ 10 x Wood○ 1 x Hard AntlerRow 5 - Cell 3
Fishing Rod○ Standard issue dvergr fishing rod.○ Can be bought from Haldor the Merchant for 350 Coins.N/ARow 6 - Cell 3
Cultivator○ A farming tool for tilling soil.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 5 x Core Wood○ 5 x BronzeRow 7 - Cell 3
Bronze Axe○ A bright and burnished blade, curved like a smile.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 4 x Wood○ 8 x Bronze○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 8 - Cell 3
Bronze Pickaxe○ A good bronze pick. Can break very hard rocks.○ Unlocked by acquiring Bronze and upgrading the Antler Pickaxe.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 3 x Core Wood○10 x BronzeRow 9 - Cell 3
Tankard○ Skål!.○ Unlocked by acquiring Fine Wood.○ Crafted at the Workbench.○ 5 x Fine Wood○ 2 x ResinRow 10 - Cell 3
Iron Axe○ Sharp and strong, a woodcutter's friend.○ Unlocked by acquiring Iron.○ Crafted at level 2 Forge.○ 4 x Wood○ 20 x Iron○ 2 x Leather ScrapsRow 11 - Cell 3
Iron Pickaxe○ A sturdy tool of hardened iron.○ Unlocked by acquiring Core Wood and Iron.○ Crafted at the Forge.○ 3 x Core Wood○ 20 x IronRow 12 - Cell 3
Blackmetal Axe○ A perfectly-balanced axe forged from dark metal with an emerald sheen.○ Unlocked by acquiring Blackmetal Bars and Linen Thread.○ Crafted at level 4 Forge.○ 6 x Fine Wood○ 20 x Black Metal Bar○ 5 x Linen ThreadRow 13 - Cell 3

Be prepared for anything

Valheim has seen incredible success in record time, with the tiny development team looking to expand quickly to meet the fast-growing demand of the game. What you see here is just the beginning of what the team is planning to add to the game. With a published roadmap full of incredible-looking updates and content expansions, 2021 is going to be an amazing year for all gamers who join in on the Valheim craze. Skål!

Zackery Cuevas

Zackery Cuevas is a writer for Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore. I like playing video games, talking about video games, writing about video games, and most importantly, complaining about video games. If you're cool, you can follow me on Twitter @Zackzackzackery.

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