Heroes of the Storm's CraftWars event fuses Warcraft and StarCraft

Heroes Of The Storm Craft Wars
Heroes Of The Storm Craft Wars (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment (screenshot))

What you need to know

  • The latest patch for Heroes of the Storm released yesterday.
  • Gazlowe and D. Va got some big gameplay updates.
  • New skins fuse together characters from Warcraft and StarCraft.

A big part of Heroes of the Storm's appeal has always been letting fans of Blizzard Entertainment's impressive gaming library test which of their favorite characters would win in a fight. The game's latest patch, which released yesterday, takes that crossover appeal to the next level by fusing together characters from Warcraft and StarCraft.

CraftWars imagines Warcraft villain Arthas Menthil, aka the Lich King, leading the insectoid alien Zerg of StarCraft as the King of Blades. He's facing off against the Alliance's own King Anduin Wrynn, who's been fused with StarCraft's equally blonde and handsome Emperor Valerian Mengsk to become Emperor of the Dominion.

The selection of new fusion skins also includes making a Draenei version of the Protoss hero Artanis and having the goblin mech pilot Gazlowe running around in a SCV from StarCraft. Gazlowe also got some real mechanical upgrades for this patch that make him a frontline Bruiser specializing in zone control and distruption. Overwatch-based hero D.Va also got an overhaul to make her fit the Bruiser role better and improve her talent choices.

Overwatch hero Mei joined Heroes of the Storm in June and she also gets a new skin for CraftWars. Since Mei specializes in ice, she's appropriately allied herself with the lord of the Frozen Throne to serve as one of Arthas' Death Knights.

PC Gaming


Samantha Nelson