HERE updates all their apps on Windows Phone

The HERE suite for Windows Phone has been updated. Head to the Windows Phone Store and you'll see new updates for HERE Maps, HERE Drive+, HERE City Lens and HERE Transit. The biggest addition to these apps is the ability to create a new account for HERE.

Correction: The HERE account support was added in a previous update. We're not sure what's new in today's round of updates. Let us know if you see anything new or notice any particular bugs being fixed.

Update: Today's update addresses some sync issues on Windows Phone. Source: @Here

HERE Drive+ version 4.2.5905.1

  • Updates to fix migration issues with saved favorites
  • Create a HERE account and import your favorites from your old Nokia account so they're synced with your mobile devices and
  • Download HERE Drive+ (Free)


HERE Maps version

  • Create a HERE account and import your favorites from your old Nokia account so they're synced with your mobile devices and
  • Download HERE Maps (Free)


HERE Transit version

  • Create a HERE account and import your favorites from your old Nokia account so they're synced with your mobile devices and
  • Download Transit (Free)

QR: HERE Transit

HERE City Lens version

  • Create a HERE account and import your favorites from your old Nokia account so they're synced with your mobile devices and
  • Updates to fix migration issues with saved favorites
  • Download HERE City Lens for Windows Phone (Free)

QR: HERE City LEns

Grab these new updates to the HERE suite on Windows Phone and let us know what you think. The biggest change is of course the addition of HERE account across all apps. This account allows your favorites and other things to sync across devices with HERE installed. HERE is now available on Android, so this is particularly useful if you find yourself jumping from different devices and want to keep HERE as your mapping platform.

Thanks for the tips everyone!

Sam Sabri