Headlander and Tecmo Bowl Throwback leave Xbox Game Pass soon

Xbox Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass (Image credit: Microsoft)

What you need to know

  • Xbox Game Pass is a monthly game subscription service.
  • Many new titles like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are joining it this week.
  • Headlander and Techmo Bowl Throwback will be leaving soon, too.
  • You can purchase Xbox Game Pass on Amazon.

Xbox Game Pass is a monthly subscription service that grants you access to over 200 games for one monthly price. It's become quite popular over the past few months because major AAA titles have joined the service. However, in order to make room for new experiences, older games have to leave. Soon, Headlander and Tecmo Bowl Throwback will depart Xbox Game Pass. Be sure to finish them or buy them with your Xbox Game Pass discount if you want to keep on playing. This information was revealed by the Xbox Game Pass app on iOS.


Launch into the ultimate head trip as you blast through psychotic robots in a retro sci-fi action-adventure from Double Fine Productions. It is a world of automation, a utopia gone wrong in which all of humanity have transferred their minds into robotic imposter bodies and are ruled by a computer.

Tecmo Bowl Throwback

Tecmo Bowl Throwback is a remake of the classic Tecmo Super Bowl, with the same rules and fast-paced gameplay as the original, but with the option to play it in brand new high-definition 3D graphics. Switch it back to old school in real time with the same graphics and music from back in the day!

Out of both of these, we're going to miss Headlander the most. It's a lot of fun. Luckily, it's quite cheap on the Microsoft Store so purchasing it isn't too bad.



Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.