These robot vacuums will always keep your home office tidy, and they're on sale for Cyber Monday

Roborock's robot vacuum
(Image credit: Roborock)

With the New Year fast approaching, healthy lifestyle resolutions are getting formed. One of more well-intentioned resolutions people often make that often fall to the wayside as the year progresses is to keep their homes clean and offices tidy. With 2023 on the horizon, you can enlist the help of a robot vacuum to help with tidying your office, and these smart home assistants can help vacuum and even mop the floors around your desk. We've rounded up some of the best deals on robot vacuums for Cyber Monday, and the best part is that some of these models start at around $100. 

Affordable robot vacuums

Starting at $99

Airrobo P20 Robot Vacuum | $199 now $99 at Amazon

Airrobo P20 Robot Vacuum | $199 now $99 at Amazon

This affordable model starts at just $99 and got solid reviews on Amazon. It comes with 2800Pa of suction power that's good for low carpet, hard floors, and sucking up pet hair. The vacuum can go for 120 minutes on its internal battery, and you can control this robot vac with its bundled remote control or via a smartphone app. Airrobo equopped this vacuum with drop sensors to help prevent the vacuum from falling over ledge and stairs, and infrared sensors help it prevent collisions with obstacles and pets. 

A better affordable upgrade

eufy by Anker, RoboVac G30 | $318 now $178 at Amazon

eufy by Anker, RoboVac G30 | $318 now $178 at Amazon

If you have the cash, stepping up to Eufy's RoboVac G30 is a better bet. This vacuum deliver 2,000 Pa of suction power and comes with anti-collission sensors to prevent in-home crashes. Eufy advertises Dynamic Navigation technology for a more efficient clean around the house, and the internal battery lasts for 100 minutes. Lower noise ouput, the ability to connect to the app or Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, as well as the ability to boost suction power as needed in dirtier areas. 

Vacuums with self-emptying docks

Purchasing a vacuum model with a dock brings many benefits to help you continue to keep your floors clean without too much hands-on intervention. The robot vac can return to its dock to recharge after its done with its cleaning duties, for starters, and it can also empty the content of its collection into the dock if you choose a model with a self-emptying dock.

Save $200

iRobot Roomba i3+ EVO (3550) Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum | $549 now $349 at Amazon

iRobot Roomba i3+ EVO (3550) Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum | $549 now $349 at Amazon

Like the more affordable models, this iRobot Roomba comes with smart mapping technology and all the sensors needed to avoid in-home collisions with your furniture. The best part about this model is its self-emptying dock, which means you won't have to touch the vacuum for up to 60 days! After it's done cleaning, this Roomba will dock itself, recharge, and empty its bin into the dock. 

For offices with pets

iRobot Roomba j7+ (7550) Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum | $799 now $599 at Amazon

iRobot Roomba j7+ (7550) Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum | $799 now $599 at Amazon

This Roomba is even smarter than the previous model on our list, and it's designed for offices with pets. In addition with enough suction power to vacuum pet hair, it can intelligently avoid obstacles like pet wastes and electrical cords. After all, you don't want your vacuum to trip over your laptop charger or to inadvertantly end up in pet waste and smear around carpets and floors. 

Sweeping and mopping

For offices with hard floors, getting a combo wet-dry robot vac is a great solution. These vacuums not only suck up dirt, but it will also have a water tank attached to help mop and sanitize your floors as well, making them an even more versatile companion than traditional standalone robot vacuums or robot mops. 

Bagless HEPA Clean

Shark AI Ultra 2in1 Robot Vacuum & Mop with Sonic Mopping AV2610WA | $699 now $469 at Amazon

Shark AI Ultra 2in1 Robot Vacuum & Mop with Sonic Mopping AV2610WA | $699 now $469 at Amazon

Shark's AI Ultra combo robot vacuum and mop isn't just affordable in its price, but it remains affordable for the life of the product. The self-emptying base doesn't rely on any proprietary or expensive bag, meaning you dont have to spend money on bags. It uses self-mapping matrix clean technology, and can scrub stains at 100x a minut with a deeper Ultra Mop to target dirtier zones.  

Ultrasonic clean

roborock S7+ Robot Vacuum and Sonic Mop with Self-Empty Dock | $949 now $679 at Amazon

roborock S7+ Robot Vacuum and Sonic Mop with Self-Empty Dock | $949 now $679 at Amazon

Roborock s7+ comes with all the bells and whistles that you can expect to see on a hybrid robot vacuum and mop combo, including a self-empty dock. What makes this model stands out is that it comes with an auto-lifting technology to lift the mopping components when it enters a carpeted area to prevent spreading dirt, and there's ultrasonic and sonic cleaning technology for mopping and vacuuming for an even deeper clean. Improved LiDAR Navigation with adaptive routing helps keeps the roborock s7+ moving smoothly throughout your home. 

Self-refilling and self-emptying dock

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop | $1,399 now $1,059 at Amazon

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop | $1,399 now $1,059 at Amazon

Roborock's s7 MaxV Ultra is the most advanced robot vacuum on our list, and it can handle mopping and vacuuming with ease. In addition to advanced mapping and sensor technologies to identify household furniture and avoid collision, this vacuum comes with a self-refilling and self-emptying dock. It can empty its content when its done and refull its water tank when mopping, extending the Roborock S7 MaxV's range without human intervention. The dock can hold 7 weeks worth of dust before it requires you to empty it, and the acuum comes with up to 5,100 Pa of suction power!

Accessorize the rest of your office or game room!

In addition to keeping things clean, organized, and tidy, be sure to have some fun in your space. Whether you're in a home office or your game room, adding comfortable and ergonomic seating will help improve posture and reduce backaches, while adding some mood lighting can help create a warm ambience in your space. And all these gaming room accessories are also on sale for Cyber Monday!

Chuong Nguyen

Chuong's passion for gadgets began with the humble PDA. Since then, he has covered a range of consumer and enterprise devices, raning from smartphones to tablets, laptops to desktops and everything in between for publications like Pocketnow, Digital Trends, Wareable, Paste Magazine, and TechRadar in the past before joining the awesome team at Windows Central. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, when not working, he likes exploring the diverse and eclectic food scene, taking short jaunts to wine country, soaking in the sun along California's coast, consuming news, and finding new hiking trails.