Halo: Combat Evolved coming to VR with fan remake

Microsoft recently offered up its own take on Halo in VR with Halo Recruit, which was ultimately a pretty short, limited experience. But something a little bit more expansive may be on the way, thanks to the work of a fan developer (via UploadVR).

An indie developer, who goes by the name Nimsony, is now working on bringing the classic Halo experience to VR. Following up on previous work bringing a classic Sonic the Hedgehog level to VR, Nimsony is leveraging his experience to recreate portions of Halo: Combat Evolved in VR.

While it's definitely a work in progress, Nimsony is providing weekly updates on his YouTube channel, and though still early, things are starting to look pretty interesting. In his latest update, Nimsony shows off how he has implemented a reload system with which you physically load clips into weapons with the motion controllers. Nimsony has also implemented a locomotion system that lets you run or jump in place in order to run and jump in the game.

The work required to bring something like this to life is not trivial, and it'll likely be some time before we see a complete experience rolled out. Even then, it's not clear at this point what that might entail. However, what the developer has done so far looks pretty interesting. For now, if you own a Windows Mixed Reality headset, you can get a taste of Halo in VR with Halo Recruit on the Microsoft Store.

For more, you can keep up with Nimsony's weekly updates on YouTube.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the former Editor-in-Chief of Windows Central. He began working with Windows Central, Android Central, and iMore as a news writer in 2014 and is obsessed with tech of all sorts. You can follow Dan on Twitter @DthorpL and Instagram @heyitsdtl