The Division 2 is five years old and shows how to do a live service game right
Live service games are great for publishers but can be exhausting for players, and Ubisoft's looter shooter does it better than others.

Live service games are often a topic of discussion, good and bad. For players, having a game with a continually progressing experience that they can return to can be good, even if it's sometimes exhausting and expensive.
That latter point is particularly pleasing to the people making these games. Money makes it all happen, after all. But too often, instead of just creating a good experience for players, shilling skins and the like becomes the priority. You can almost understand it more in free-to-play games like Apex Legends, but expensive purchases aren't exclusive to these games.
It made me think about my own favorite live service game, The Division 2. This is a game that had a planned shelf life but remained so popular with its player base that it has far outlived that and isn't just getting support; it's thriving. It's a live service game I play a lot and have no issue spending a few bucks in from time to time, but the key is that I don't have to. It isn't the only game that does it this way, but I think its popularity after five full years is partly down to how it has managed to offer new content without ripping off its players or demanding all of their free time to play.
Things to buy, but you don't have to pay to play
The Division 2 is not alone in its model, but it's the one I've played the most (close to 800 hours and climbing). It's pretty simple to understand. If you want to play the seasonal content, the only thing you need is a copy of the base game and the Warlords of New York DLC expansion. The latter is what unlocked the current model, and it's necessary because seasons cover both the Washington D.C. and New York City maps. But that's it.
Each season, new items, including new named weapons, gear pieces, and exotics, are dropped onto the season pass. The season pass has 100 levels, and given how long each season lasts, it's not at all difficult for even casual players to complete it. Not least because there are regular periods of double XP to help you through it quicker. I think the most recent season pass took me five days to complete all 100 tiers.
But the beauty is that the season pass is completely free. All the new gear is added to this free track, so everyone benefits without needing to pay. There is a premium track, but all that offers is more stuff. There are more gear caches and cosmetics, but all the most important items each season are on the free track. This is a live service game you can enjoy every week of the year, take part in all the seasonal events, and get all the rewards without spending a dime.
Other than this, the stuff to buy is all cosmetics. Even then, there are regular apparel events offering a selection of new threads that, again, everyone can play without the need for additional spending. Live service games need a sustainable income to make them worth it, but I really do think that Ubisoft nailed it with The Division 2's mostly cosmetic-focused model.
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It's easy to participate without needing to consume your life
I think the biggest reason that The Division 2 is the only live service game that I've really stuck with in the long term is that it doesn't consume your life. Destiny 2, by contrast, always feels overwhelming to me. I enjoy a grind, but that's a game that's always felt a little too grindy, not to mention without constantly playing it following the story feels impossible.
The seasonal model in The Division 2 constantly has something going on, but the activities are also easy to clear quickly, grab your rewards, and if you so choose, put the game down until the next one. The apparel events last for multiple weeks, giving plenty of time to level up enough to gain the required caches to get the full set. The speed run-focused leagues are always on hard and challenging difficulty, with times that are easily achievable for players of all skill levels, either solo or in a group. Many of the Global Event challenges can be ticked off quickly by playing in a group, and the manhunts that occur every few weeks as part of the seasonal story don't take long to rattle off.
There's not too much to have FOMO about when playing The Division 2. Aside from the raid-exclusive gear, for which you have to be in a group of 8, practically everything else in the game can be achieved solo or through random matchmaking. The difficulty can be adjusted on a per-mission or global basis, and while the quality of gear also scales accordingly, nobody feels forced to play harder content than they're comfortable with.
For the dedicated players, there are daily and weekly projects that are always worth completing, but, again, if you're a casual player, you're not really missing out on anything. The whole game is set up in such a way that you can play as much or as little as you want and still feel like you're making the most of it.
High hopes for The Division 3
The next game, The Division 3 (as we expect it to be called,) has been confirmed, albeit we're not expecting to see it for years yet. But I'm confident that it's going to be epic. The original Division game was a live service game of sorts, but not close to what's been achieved with the sequel. The constant supply of new game modes, an expanding story, and now, a huge overhaul of the entire game's quality of life with Project Resolve is a credit to its developer, Massive.
The work still goes on, and as Year 5 comes to an end later this year, the Year 6 roadmap will kick in. This is currently slated to bring a new story DLC expansion, too, the first since Warlords of New York landed in 2020. The time between expansions may be long, but the fact it's coming so late into the game's life at all is amazing. If you've never tried it, I can't recommend it enough. The game and expansion are frequently on sale, and there's a ridiculous amount of content to enjoy that makes it such good value. I don't know if we've got another five years of this one or not before the sequel, but I'm here for it, however long it lasts.
Richard Devine is a Managing Editor at Windows Central with over a decade of experience. A former Project Manager and long-term tech addict, he joined Mobile Nations in 2011 and has been found on Android Central and iMore as well as Windows Central. Currently, you'll find him steering the site's coverage of all manner of PC hardware and reviews. Find him on Mastodon at
mjheaberlin I just tried playing for the first time a few days ago and had a DELTA-03 disconnect error twice during character creation. So I had to try to create my character 3 times. Then had this disconnect 2 or 3 more times before even completing the first mission.Reply
My PS5 is connected to my network via Ethernet. I have 1.2 Gbps Internet service with low latency. No issues with other games. I also work from home as a network engineer. So I know my network is perfectly fine, yet I keep getting these disconnects.
This game is practically unplayable for me. -
DrPendragon There is much to discuss in attempting to provide succinct opinions on this topic. The concept of stating that this game "shows how to do a service game right", manifests that there has been a comprehensive review of games and also presents a unified and commonly agreed definition of what a game that does it "right" looks like based on objective qualifiers rather than opinion. We all have opinions, but can hardly state that such opinions are facts or realities, but rather a point in the spectrum of identified data that points us to norms, or what we can call "empirical evidence". Regardless, I have an opinion as well. I bought this game after having played Division 1 since its early announcement and having played the Beta. Spent the money to purchase the higher-level bundle for Division 2 in anticipation of what could be next. To say I was an avid gamer addicted to this game was an understatement. I even scheduled my consulting hours and family dinners around time to progress with my crew. So I feel I was not a casual player and have intimate knowledge of what it takes to be successful in this game and tried everything that this game released until I quit after Descent.Reply
I will give my opinion on the statements made by the article.
1. This game presents "Things to buy, but you don't have to pay to play". True, I agree with that, it was my experience that no one in my clan or other clans I knew cared about clothing, or some skin, or a face mask, enough to spend money on it. Div 1 has a vendor in the terminal, don't know of a substantial amount of people spending money on purchasing a meme or jacket they don't already own.
2. It's easy to participate without needing to consume your life. Completely Disagree. This game caters to hardcore avid players who can dedicate a substantial amount of time "grinding". Can you play it casually? Of course, yes. Will you have the same experience, level of satisfaction, and success? No. Case in point, people who tried to do the first-ever raid (before there was a softer option for "practice" raiding) and did not have the top-end gear optimized, would most likely be frustrated and so would their team. How could you ensure a higher level of success? well, if you spend the time to grind and as a team help each other obtain those rare lucky drops of gear to have the correct level to endure the raid and be successful, then you also spend a lot of hours. No casual playing here. The same goes for everything inside the scope of this game, if you want to be at the top of the game and feel like you are running through all this game has to offer without a problem and just enjoying the ride, then you better be prepared to spend a significant portion of your weekly free time grinding. This game punishes casual players, they don't have the gear to be successful and people do not want to play with someone who does not have the right top-end gear to help out, instead, it provides frustration.
On the topic of being a game that continues to provide content. Well, yes and no. Manhunts and seasonal events are lackluster, a copycat with the same premise of utilizing the concept of Search and Destroy missions from Div 1 and making it seem like "new content". You do the manhunt to obtain a trinket that does not affect the game and then you wait for a "season" full of nonsensical grinding to obtain clothing items, just because. I hardly call this content and more like busywork. Kind of like working in an office and someone telling you to staple a thousand packages only to later tell you to un-staple them, just because. Don't get people started on how many times this game has also "recalibrated" itself, meaning you had to grind for everything all over again, just because someone thought it would make the game experience better. Just because. Grinding "components" and thousands of weapons to optimize gear, meant spending hundreds of hours to have top-end results, just because. You end up spending more hours grinding, than enjoying the time you do meaningful play.
Seems to me that the game masters here create this busywork paradigm to keep us working because there is no real content to go through. I rather pay for a DLC than have this "free" content that is just plain nonsensical grinding, for the sake of grinding, so I can try to enjoy the results I used to have, but because of ongoing changes, I am forced to spend more hours again, grinding.
This game had a lot of promise and a lot of expectations, but it has repeatedly failed miserably to live up to its potential. So much so, that if you look at data from player counts you can see how it has dwindled. It has upticks whenever there is new content, but then it dwindles again. Compared to Division 1 and modes like Survival and Underground, Division 2 lacks replayability. Even Division 1 missions had their personality while Division 2 "incursions" all seem the same, featuring a boxed environment in smaller quarters where you can rely on "meta" gear (oftentimes tech in the early to mid years) where you place your tech, grab a cup of coffee and come back to go to the next boxed room.
I do hope that they don't mess up Heartland, which from what I read, is undergoing an overhaul because of poor results from the Beta. Are they still trying to build a better mousetrap? Not sure, but I wish they learned something from their mistakes and took what worked from these last two games. This is the only industry where you can purchase a product, test it for them, tell them what you didn't like and still have an end product that you will pay high-end dollars and still obtain a subpar product with a lot of errors in production. In any other industry, these people would be fired. I hope they do better and find their sweet spot.