Highly anticipated Sega 2025 game is cancelled entirely because it simply won't be ready in time

Football Manager 22 Ss
There won't be a 2025 release of one of the most popular sports games every year. (Image credit: SEGA)

Football Manager is one of the most popular sports games every year, but 2025 won't be seeing a new release. Announced today by its developer, Sports Interactive, and publisher Sega, Football Manager 25 is being killed before it ever releases.

The reason? Their ambitions for reworking the franchise with this year's release simply aren't achievable in the time frame, so they're cutting it rather than release something that's simply not up to scratch.

Check out the full announcement post on X below.

Game cancellations, unfortunately, do happen, but rarely this close to release. At least in this case, it isn't related to lay-offs or studio closures. This is a HUGE franchise, though, and to make a decision like this is enormous. But also commendable. How many big games get launched anyway despite being filled with issues because "oh we can just fix it later" seems to take precedence over getting people to buy it as soon as possible? Spider-Man 2, anyone?

It does also make sense in regard to the timing. As Sports Interactive outlined, if they can't get it out by March, then there's not a lot of time left before the current season ends in most of the world. By August, transfers will have happened, and the new season will be back underway.

For Football Manager players, then, it means another year on the current title. If you're not familiar and wondering just how popular it is, currently as I write this, there are nearly 55,000 people playing it on Steam alone. Its release date of November 2023 also shows how early in the season they like to get these games out.

So, it's a disappointment, but anyone who pre-ordered will get a refund and can keep on playing Football Manager 24 until Football Manager 26 is ready. At least you won't be buying a half-baked game, and that's ultimately what matters.

Richard Devine
Managing Editor - Tech, Reviews

Richard Devine is a Managing Editor at Windows Central with over a decade of experience. A former Project Manager and long-term tech addict, he joined Mobile Nations in 2011 and has been found on Android Central and iMore as well as Windows Central. Currently, you'll find him steering the site's coverage of all manner of PC hardware and reviews. Find him on Mastodon at mstdn.social/@richdevine