Monster Hunter Wilds' full list of monsters: Every giant Beast, Wyvern, Leviathan, Insect, and other unclassified nightmares revealed thus far

Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay trailer screenshot
The Doshaguma is one frightening beast and its only one of many monstrosities you will be tasked to slay in Monster Hunter Wilds (Image credit: Capcom)

Capcom’s Monster Hunter series is home to some of the most imaginative and intimidating monsters in video games.

From majestic Flying Wyverns to climate-changing Elder Dragons, this series has no shortage of awesome-looking and challenging creatures to hunt, with more original beasties being added with every new entry like Monster Hunter Wilds.

Players in this game will be beset with a host of new vicious and horrific monsters, while bringing back some familiar monsters that will excite long-time fans.

Since this game will no doubt feature a gigantic roster of monsters, we will compile every monster publically revealed by Capcom for Monster Hunter Wilds in an easy-to-read list so you know what to watch out for and are fully prepared to survive the hunt.


This list will contain spoilers for the Low-Rank questline's story so read at your own risk.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Herbivores

Herbivores are considered the easiest monsters to hunt and ideal target practice for beginners. (Image credit: Capcom)

Herbivores are usually docile creatures that don’t pose a threat to players. However, it is worth hunting them as Herbivores usually yield useful crafting materials and meat that can be cooked into Well-Done Steaks, which massively increase your stamina gauge.


Male Ceratonoth protect their herd from lightning strikes using their dorsal horns as lightning rods. (Image credit: Capcom)

Ceratonoth are a group of peaceful Herbivores that resemble pangolins and spend their days grazing and trekking the Windward Plains. Ceratonoth often form herds while traveling, with a male Ceretonoth placed in the center.

They do this so male Ceretonoth can protect the female Ceretonoth from lightning strikes during the Windward Plains’ frequent thunderstorms by using their special dorsal horns as lightning rods to catch lightning bolts and safely release them to the ground.


The Dalthydon will ram into any aggressor to defend their herd. (Image credit: Capcom)

Dalthydon are territorial Herbivores that look like miniature T-Rexes with the heads of goats and frequently migrate to different locales depending on the season. Whenever they sense danger, they will fight back against intruders by ramming into them using their hardened headshells.

This herbivorous wyvern changes its habitat depending on the season. When it senses danger, it will sometimes take a defensive posture and fight back with its well-developed head shell.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Flying Wyverns

Brace yourself for the thunderous rampage of the Rey Dau. (Image credit: Capcom)

Flying Wyverns are the most iconic monster type in the series and are usually the most common large monster type you will run into. These winged beasts swoop down from the air to snatch their prey with their sharp talons and blow their aggressors away with ranged elemental attacks.


Behold the indomitable Gravios. (Image credit: Capcom)

Gravios is an enormous Flying Wyvern covered in an extremely tough, rock-like hide that only the sharpest of blades will be able to cut through. It resides in volcanic regions where it attacks its prey by crushing them under its massive feet or rolling on top of them with its body.

Gravios can also devastate foes with explosive, sleeping, and poison gas attacks, and annihilate them by firing laser beams from its mouth.


The King of the Skies will return to prey upon hunters in Monster Hunter Wilds. (Image credit: Capcom)

In Monster Hunter Wilds’ debut trailer, we see a shot of the series mascot, Rathalos, flying overhead, confirming that it will return for this title. Rathalos is the textbook example of a Flying Wyvern, this reptilian monstrosity will attack enemies from above by spitting fireballs and performing aerial divebomb attacks that have earned Rathalos the nickname of “King of the Skies”.

Rathalos can also produce poison from its talons that will inflict the Poison status effect on players. Poison will slowly drain your health, so keep an Antidote on hand to cure yourself if you get by a Rathalos’ talons.

A sickly Rathalos? (Image credit: Capcom)

In Monster Hunter Wilds' launch trailer, we are finally given a proper look at a Rathalos in the game yet there's something seriously wrong with it. It's body is covered in white patches, its veins are pulsating with purple energy, and its acting wild and erratic.

Could this be a sign that there's a plague causing the monsters to go berserk or is it under the influence of another monster? We'll have to play the full game to find out the answer.


Bow before Rathian, the Queen of the Land. (Image credit: Capcom)

If a Monster Hunter title has a Rathalos, then a Rathian isn't too far behind. This iconic Flying Wyvern is nicknamed the "Queen of the Land" for her aggressive, ground-based fighting style where she will constantly charge at the player and smack them down with her poisonous tail.

Rathian can also spit fireballs but they have a bigger blast radius compared to Rathalos' fireballs, so make sure you get out of the way or have impenetrable defensive options to avoid getting incinerated.

Rey Dau

If you get caught in a sandstorm in the Windward Plains, there's a chance you will encounter the terrifying Rey Dau. (Image credit: Capcom)

During the Summer Game Fest 2024 trailer, we caught a glimpse of a strange-looking Flying Wyvern that shot electricity from two sharp horns growing out of its head. However, thanks to the Gamescom 2024 trailer, we now know what this thing is - the Rey Dau.

The Rey Dau is a massive Flying Wyvern covered in gold scales and is confirmed to be the apex predator of the Windward Plains. This intimidating beastie has adapted to the lightning storms that occur in the region thanks to its lightning-resistant hide and can discharge lightning bolts from its horns that can potentially knock out even experienced hunters in one hit.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Brute Wyverns

Do not underestimate this chicken-like Brute Wyvern lest you wish to get roasted. (Image credit: Capcom)

Brute Wyverns are an extremely aggressive monsters that resemble the real-life Tyrannosaurus Rex. Brute Wyverns are considered some of the most dangerous land-based monsters you will encounter in the wild, some of which can even stand up to the might of Elder Dragons.


Monster Hunter Wilds Rompopolo render

The toxic gas of the Rompopolo will send players to an early grave should they get hit by it. (Image credit: Capcom)

Rompopolo is without a doubt one of the freakiest and most alien-looking Brute Wyverns ever discovered in the world of Monster Hunter. This bulbous behemoth resides in the Oilwell Basin and attacks its prey by poisoning them with toxic gas expunged from its mouth and tail. It can also its toxic gas to cause a chain reaction with the Oilwell Basin's oil rivers to make them explode and damage any player unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast radius.


Quematrice is a savage Brute Wyvern that burn everything in its path if they stop it from preying on food. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Quematrice is a moderately-sized Brute Wyvern with characteristics that make it resemble real-life chickens. However, this monster is anything but a chicken because it will get into a fight with any creature it encounters if it smells food up for grabs.

When hunting the Quematrice, make sure to watch out for its tail. It can secrete a flammable substance that will ignite into scorching flames when the Brute Wyvern drags its tail on the ground towards its target, so be prepared to dodge out of the way when it happens.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Bird Wyverns

A flock of Yian Kut-Ku resting in the Scarlet Forest. (Image credit: Capcom)

Bird Wyverns are monster types that resemble birds of prey or ancient velociraptors. Most Bird Wyverns are usually small creatures that form packs, so they gang up on larger monsters using their superior numbers.

However, there are some rare Bird Wyverns that travel alone and are so dangerous that they can take some of the intimidating monster types in a fight on equal footing.


The dark-feathered Talioths fight dirty and gang up on unsuspecting lonesome prey. (Image credit: Capcom)

During Monster Hunter Wild's 2024 State of Play trailer, we see a scene of a Chatacabra getting attacked by a pack of Bird Wyverns with black-feathered bodies and elongated hook-like peaks.

These vicious Bird Wyverns are called Talioths and they are not afraid to attack monsters bigger than them, so be prepared to defend yourself should you get pounced on by them.

Yian Kut-Ku

The Yian Kut-Ku makes its next-gen comeback in Monster Hunter Wilds. (Image credit: Capcom)

At the end of the extended 'Kut' of Monster Hunter Wilds' release date reveal trailer, fans were treated by the reveal of a returning old-school monster, Yian Kut-Ku. Yian Kut-Ku is a large Bird Wyvern that's been a part of the Monster Hunter franchise ever since the first game in 2004 and now it's back with a vengeance after being absent from the mainline series since Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

The Yian Kut-Ku is considered a 'weak' monster compared to other large monsters due to its fragile body and is often treated as a punching bag for new hunters to test their skills and weapons on. However, underestimating this thing can be a fatal mistake because Yian Kut-Ku's oversized peak isn't just for show.

When defending against predators, Yian Kut-Ku will try to peck at them with its peak, which is strong enough to break through boulders bigger than cars. Not only that, Yian Kut-Kut can also run fast to trample enemies to death and spit fireballs to attack enemies at a distance. While it may not be as lethal as a Rathalos' fireball, getting hit by Yian Kut-Ku's will still ruin your day if you don't get out of the way.


Watch out the flash attacks and poison spit of the Gypceros. (Image credit: Capcom)

When Capcom announced the second Open Beta Test for Monster Hunter Wilds, it also revealed the return of another Bird Wyvern that debuted in Monster Hunter 1, the Gypceros. This gigantic rubbery avian may look ridiculous but looks can deceiving.

The Gypceros is a cunning monster that attacks players with a wide variety of attacks. The Gypceros can stretch its tail into a whip-like weapon, spit poison saliva, smash rocks with its giant peak, blind players with a flash attack using its horn-like appendage, and even play dead to lull players into a false of security before launching a sneak attack.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Fanged Beasts

Fanged Beasts are ferocious monsters that will attack anything in sight should they be even slightly agitated. (Image credit: Capcom)

Fanged Beasts are monsters that resemble mammals like bears, gorillas, monkeys, and pigs. These monsters tend to be some of the more aggressive beasties and will challenge any hunter or monster that invades their territory, regardless if they’re stronger or not.


Pack fire-resistant gear if you wish to withstand the fiery rage of the Ajarakan. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Ajarakan is a fire-based Fanged Beast that has a short-temper and will attack anything, even its own kind at the slightest provocation. It fights primarily like an enraged monkey and clawing, bite and generally ripping and tearing into its opponents with a berserker rage.

When an Ajarakan's anger reaches its boiling point, it will set itself on fire by igniting the shell on its back with friction to power itself up and set its opponents ablaze with flame attacks.


Do not cross paths with the Doshaguma unless you're prepared for a messy and savage battle to the death. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Doshaguma is a large Fanged Beast that looks like a horrific crossbreed between a bear and a lion. These rugged behemoths are extremely territorial and dangerous, as their herculean strength and sharp claws can crush opponents like a sour grape.

Doshaguma also tend to travel in packs for a better chance to rip their prey apart. It would be foolish to attack a Doshaguma herd head-on, so you will need to find a way to pick them off one by one or lure the alpha Doshaguma (marked with a red mane) away so its pack can’t help it.


Watch out for the Congalala's foul breath and fart attacks so you don't get hit with crippling status ailments. (Image credit: Capcom)

During Capcom's Monster Hunter Wilds Tokyo Game Show 2024 presentation, one of the more infamous monsters from early Monster Hunter games reared its ugly to befoul a new generation of players - the Congalala. This pink-furred Fanged Beast is one of the more disgusting beasts of Monster Hunter's massive roster of monsters for its ugly appearance and foul attacks.

Its move-set set consists of clumsily swinging its arms around like the monkey it is, shoving its fat, hardened belly into opponents to knock them down, a long-reaching stink-cloud breath attack, and farting in your face.

Don't be fooled by Congalala's toilet humor because its fart and breath attacks can infect players with a nasty status effect called 'Stench' which prevents players from using their items. This status ailment can be cured by using a Deodorant so be sure to pack plenty of them when hunting this beast.

In addition, Congalala can change the effects of its breath attack by consuming mushrooms during battle:

  • Eating a Poisonschroom (colored purple) will cause the breath attack to poison you.
  • Eating a Paraschroom (colored yellow) will cause the breath attack to paralyse you.
  • Eating a Nitroschroom (colored light red) will cause the breath to become explosive and deal massive damage to players while setting them on fire.


The savage Blangonga will run wild on hunters once more. (Image credit: Capcom)

Capcom has released a short Monster Hunter Wilds trailer on its Japanese website, revealing the return of Blangonga, a violent Fanged Beast that debuted in 2006's Monster Hunter 2. This white baboon-esque monster is a volatile creature that lives in icy regions and will attack anything that intrudes its territory.

The Blangonga is fast, hits hard, and can freeze its opponents with a deadly ice-breath attack. In addition, the Blangonga can packs of Blango (younger versions of a Blangonga) to harass the player so it can land cheap shots at them while they're distracted.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Amphibians

Amphibian monsters are hardy creatures that can withstand tons of punishment and hit back twice as hard. (Image credit: Capcom)

Amphibians are a very rare kind of monster with appearances and behaviors similar to that of toads. They are slow, heavy monsters but make up for their lack of agility with immense strength and thick-armored hides that can withstand almost any attack.


The Chatacabra is ready to punch and tongue-slap all challengers. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Chatacabra is a muscle-bound toad-like monster, always ready for battle. It attacks its prey by punching them with its hefty fists, knocking them to floor using its gigantic tail, and stampede towards them to crush them underfoot.

Chatacabra can also use sticky saliva from its tongue to glue rocks to its fists to form makeshift gauntlets that will power-up its attacks.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Leviathans

Keep your wits about you lest the slippery Leviathans catch you off guard. (Image credit: Capcom)

Leviathans are aquatic, bipedal monsters that resemble sea creatures like the Lock Ness Monster and specialise in utilizing water-elemental attacks.


Watch out for quicksand traps laid by Balahara. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Balahara is a Leviathan that looks like reptilian sandworm ripped straight out of the Dune franchise. It is a disturbing-looking monster that can swim through deserts as if it were a swimming pool, coil its serpentine body around its victims to choke them to death, and create quicksand pits to trap their foes so they can't escape.

Uth Duna

Take care when hunting the Uth Duna lest you get swept away by its tidal waves. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Uth Duna is a gigantic, reptilian Leviathan that resides in the Scarlet Forest and only appears when the region's 'Downpour' Inclemency period occurs. These girthy beasts secrete a special fluid in their body to protect themselves from incoming attacks and belly-flop all over the place to create tidal waves to wash their aggressors away.


The Hirabami float like a butterfly and slices like a grim reaper. (Image credit: Capcom)

During the Monster Hunter Wilds February 2025 Showcase, a new Leviathan was revealed called the Hirabami. These strange-looking yet deadly creatures travel in packs and somehow are able to float in the air like kites.

The Hirabami attack their prey by flying through the air and then ramming into them like a speeding bullet train. They can also spit icy substances that can freeze a player's feet to the ground, rendering them helpless to dodge incoming attacks.

Jin Dahaad

Assemble a full team of hunters to slay the mountainous Jin Dahaad (Image credit: Capcom)

During Monster Hunter Wilds' 6th cinematic trailer, there was a scene where the player was fighting a pack of Hirabami and a gigantic reptilian-like whose body shape somewhat resembles a sea horse.

In Monster Hunter Wilds' launch trailer, we finally get to see what this thing is and it's a gigantic Leviathan called Jin Dahaad. This mammoth-sized, metallic beast is the apex predator of the Iceshard Cliffs and it is a force to be reckoned with. Its physical attacks have the crushing force of an avalanche and its ice breath attack can cause small-scale blizzards that freeze anything in its path.

This is a monster that will no doubt require a full team of experienced hunters to bring down.


Mizutsune returns to topple its prey with Bubbleblight (Image credit: Capcom)

Monster Hunter Wilds' 1st post-launch Title Update will add Mizutsune, a popular Leviathan monster last seen in Monster Hunter Rise. This graceful predator covers its body in a special liquid that allows Mizutsune to slide across the ground quickly and slash at its prey with its sharp claws.

Mizutsune can also fire a deadly water beam attack from its mouth and spit out giant bubbles that can inflict players with Bubbleblight. Bubbleblight is a troublesome ailment that causes players to lose control of themselves and slide all over the place, which will leave them vulnerable to attack. You can cure Bubbleblight by using Cleansers or by getting by an attack.


The fan-favourite Lagiacrus finally returns to a traditional Monster Hunter title after 8 years. (Image credit: Capcom)

In the gameplay showcase for Monster Hunter Wilds 1st Title Update, it revealed that Lagiacrus, the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Tri, would finally be making its return to a traditional Monster Hunter game after last appearing in 2017's Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

Lagiacrus is set to make its comeback in Monster Hunter Wilds 2nd Title Update in the Summer of 2025.

As for what it is, Lagiacrus is a Leviathan-type monster covered head to claw with blue scales and spines that have the power to conduct electricity. It uses this power to shock its prey to death and exploit the elemental weakness of its greatest rival, Rathalos.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Temnocerans

If a Lala Barina has you in its sights, get ready to flee or fight. (Image credit: Capcom)

Temnocerans are giant monsters that resemble real-life spiders. They are also infamous for possessing deadly status ailment attacks that can cripple players and leave them helpless for Temnocerans to eat them.

Lala Barina

Will you keep the pace with Lala Barina's dance of death? (Image credit: Capcom)

The Lala Barina is a Temnoceran that strangely resembles and even moves like a ballerina dancer. This disturbing bug lives within the depths of the Scarlet Forest and stalks its prey from the shadows before pouncing them and bringing them back to its lair.

Fighting the Lala Barina is a scary affair as it can quickly dash across the battlefield to rip you shreds with its claws and impale you with a large stinger. It can also shake its fluffy abdomen to release deadly, spiky pollen from its body that can paralyze players if the pollen hits them.


The dread Nerscylla has returned to wear Gypceros' skin like a coat. (Image credit: Capcom)

The Nerscylla is the series' first and most iconic Temnoceran type monster, that has terrified players since its debut in Monster Hunter 4. The Nerscylla is a fast, agile Temnoceran that attacks its prey with razor-sharp claws, pierces them with a stinger laced with sleep-inducing venom, spider-webs that can trap players, and poisonous mandibles that can decapitate you if you don't get out of the way.

What makes a Nerscylla extra dangerous is its intelligence as its smart to realise that its weak to thunder-elemental weapons. So a Nerscylla decides to protect itself by hunting Gypeceros, ripping off their thunder-resistant skin, and then wears the skin like a suit of armor to stop hunters from exploiting its elemental weakness.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Unknown

'The Black Flame' is an abomination ripped straight out of your worst nightmares. (Image credit: Capcom)

The monsters in this category are shrouded in mystery with little to no information available as to what they could ultimately be. What is known about these monsters is that they extremely dangerous and should be avoided until you are fully prepared to hunt them.


Arkveld, a monster thought to be extinct has arisen to hunt monsters and hunters alike. (Image credit: Capcom)

Arkveld is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Wilds that was revealed during Sony's September 2024 State of Play event. This terrifying monster's classification is currently unknown and has been nicknamed the 'White Wraith' for its ghastly appearance and long chain-like appendages that resemble ghost chains.

This monster was originally thought to be extinct by the Hunter's Guild but now it has resurfaced and is causing chaos in the Forbidden Lands, attacking any living creature in sight by using its chain-like appendages as weapons.

Nu Udra 'The Black Flame'

Nu Udra is one of Monster Hunter's very rare Cephalopod-esque monsters. (Image credit: Capcom)

During the Monster Hunter Wilds October 2024 Showcase stream, Capcom revealed the Apex monster of the Oilwell Basin region, which is quite possibly one of the most horrifying monsters ever conceived in the entire Monster Hunter franchise.

This Octopus-like monster was shrouded in mystery and was only known by the moniker of The Black Flame" labeled by the villagers of Azuz. However, thanks to a January 2025 Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay preview with IGN, we finally know its true name is Nu Udra.

Nu Udra is a ginormous creature that towers over most of the regular large monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds. Nu Udra is covered in deadly flammable oil, it has giant tentacles that it uses to choke its prey to death, and it can breathe fire from its special appendages on its body.

In addition, Nu Udra doesn't have eyes so it's immune to being blinded by Flash Bombs and it can squeeze its body through tight crevices in walls or the ground to escape if it feels threatened.

Gore Magala

The flagship monster of Monster Hunter 4, Gore Magala has returned. (Image credit: Capcom)

Gore Magala is a classic monster that debuted back in 2013's Monster Hunter 4 on the Nintendo 3DS as that title's flagship monster. It is a demonic being so mysterious that even after a decade since its discovery, it is still classified by the Hunter's Guild as a "???" type monster as there very little information about this species came into being.

What is known about the Gore Magala is that it is one of the most dangerous monsters in the entire Monster Hunter series and if left unchecked, could destroy ecosystems. The Gore Magala has freakishly immense strength, it can obliterate opponents with a array of energy-based attacks, and it can infect its prey with the deadly Frenzy Virus.

The Frenzy Virus is a special status effect that builds up over time on a player once infected (as represented on a special bar below the player's health bar). If the Frenzy Virus isn't cured in time, it will cripple a player's stats to the point where even the Gore Magala's weakest attack could end them.

To cure the Frenzy Virus, you will need to start hitting any monsters you see in a manic frenzy to overcome the virus before the meter fills up. Thankfully, you can buy yourself time by eating Nulberries to reset the Frenzy Virus build-up meter.

If you manage to overcome the Frenzy Virus, you will gain a massive affinity stat boost so you can perform critical hits more easily.

Zoh Shia

The unholy abomination, Zoh Shia (Image credit: Capcom)

Capcom's gameplay showcase for Monster Hunter Wilds' 1st Title update revealed that players will now get to fight a High-Rank version of Zoh Shia, the final boss of the game's Low-Rank questline.

This Dragon-like abomination found within the depths of the Ruins of Wyveria is one of the most disturbing creatures ever encountered as it has the ability to transform from an angelic figure to a demonic beast that resembles the legendary Fatalis.

Players will need to use elemental weapons and utilize their entire tool kit if they hope to slay this affront against nature.

Monster Hunter Wilds monster list - Tempered Monsters

Tempered Monsters are back and ready to provide players with more Decorations to farm for. (Image credit: Capcom)

Capcom has revealed Monster Hunter Wilds will feature the return of Tempered Monsters from Monster Hunter World. Tempered Monsters are special, powered-up versions of regular monsters that have more health and enhanced strength capable of taking out players in two or even one hits.

Monster Hunter Wilds' version of Tempered Monsters have scars covering their body which can be ripped apart to open Wounds. Once exposed, a player can attack these Wounds to deal extra damage or topple a monster by hitting them with a Focus Strike.

Killing Tempered Monsters will reward players with Decorations to power up their gear and crafting parts to forge unique 'Artis' weapons.

A new frontier of monsters to hunt

Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer - YouTube Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer - YouTube
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And there you have every monster revealed so far for Monster Hunter Wilds.

We will frequently update this list with more monsters that will be revealed over the coming months for its post-release content. Be sure to bookmark this list and check back frequently to see what monsters will be joining the roster.

Monster Hunter Wilds, the next-gen successor to one of Capcom's best Xbox games and best PC games, Monster Hunter World, is now available for purchase after launching on February 28, 2025, for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

Monster Hunter Wilds (Standard Edition)

Monster Hunter Wilds (Standard Edition)

This purchase simply gives you the base game so you can jump into Capcom's new adventure and hunt down new and returning Monsters in new environments.

Buy for Xbox: Walmart | Best Buy | Amazon | Microsoft Store

Buy for PlayStation 5: Walmart | Best Buy | Amazon | PlayStation Store

Buy for PC: GreenManGaming (Steam) | CDKeys (Steam)

Alexander Cope
Contributor — Gaming

Alexander Cope is a gaming veteran of 30-plus years, primarily covering PC and Xbox games here on Windows Central. Gaming since the 8-bit era, Alexander's expertise revolves around gaming guides and news, with a particular focus on Japanese titles from the likes of Elden Ring to Final Fantasy. Alexander is always on deck to help our readers conquer the industry's most difficult games — when he can pry himself away from Monster Hunter that is! 

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