Avowed Treasure Maps guide: Where to find and solve every clue

Avowed landscape shot
Could there be an Avowed treasure map hiding in this room? (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Avowed is finally here, and The Living Lands are brimming with secrets and treasures waiting to be uncovered.

Among the best finds are treasure maps in Avowed, which can lead you to valuable loot—if you can decipher their visual clues.

If you're struggling with Avowed treasure map solutions, don't fret! I've scoured every nook and cranny to track down these elusive treasures so you don't have to.

In each area of Avowed, you’ll find 3 treasure maps: at least one available for purchase from a merchant and another or 2 hidden somewhere in the environment.

To save you time, I’ve compiled a complete guide to all Avowed treasure maps and their solutions, organized by area. Let’s dive in and get you the treasure you deserve!

How many Avowed Treasure maps are there?

There are 12 treasure maps in Avowed to find — 3 in each main area. Before we dive into where they all are, here's what you'll need to have solved for the Pathfinder achievement.

Dawnshore Treasure Maps
- Intimidating Feline Codpiece
- Captain Henqua's Spoils
- Woedica's Inheritance

Emerald Stair Treasure Maps
- Practical Pockets
- Painter's Regret
- Earth Aegis

Shatterscarp Treasure Maps
- Robe of the Arcane Cheater
- Seafarer's Boots
- Dead Man's Mail

Galawain's Tusks Treasure Maps
- Ancient Arrowhead
- My Loyal Shield
- The Blade That Hungers

Dawnshore treasure maps

Dawnshore treasure map 1 - Intimidating Feline Codpiece

The first Avowed treasure map you'll likely pick up is the one titled Intimidating Feline Codpiece. To get this map, there are three merchants right by the docks in Clavigers Landing, this map is for sale from the middle merchant — Lyanna. Here's the clue:

My husband spent a fortune on this stelgaer codpiece to spice things up in the bedroom. Now he's dead on account of a weak heart. I want nothing to do with that tasteless (though brutally effective) garment, so I leave it to the gods to find a worth bearer.

The treasure map shows a broken bridge, and an arrow pointing to a cave. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

This is one of the more straightforward maps to solve, as you'll no doubt come upon this exact spot when completing the area's Bounties. This area is just South of the Yellow Bandit's camp (my map here doesn't have this uncovered yet, but should give you an idea.

The Intimidating Feline Cod piece is found above the map marker for the Southern Embrace. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Then here is a screenshot of the exact position you need to place yourself in to see the broken bridge, with the cave circled where you need to head.

The cave is just above my characters head, follow the path to the left to make your way there. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Once you've made your way through the opening, you'll come to some breakable planks. Smash these with your weapon to find the treasure chest. You'll now have the Stelgaer's Price Unique Medium Armor.

Dawnshore treasure map 2 - Captain Henqua's Spoils

This treasure map, the Captain Henqua's Spoils, is a little trickier to find, as it's not available from a merchant. You'll need to loot the treasure map from a body up high on the lighthouse. The journey is worth it though as this is also the location for one of the Totem of Rightful Rulership pieces. Head to this area on the map, the Lighthouse is just left of the docks at Clavigers Landing:

Head to the Lighthouse for loot and a treasure map (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Once you get to the Lighthouse, there are clear platforms to jump on and circle the building. Advance up the Lighthouse (picking up a piece of the Totem on the way) till you come to a platform with a corpse to loot, this guy has the treasure map. Keep going up though for more treasure, and a sweet jump from the top platform into the sea!

Looting corpses for treasure maps, no shame. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Here's the clue for the Captain Henqua's Spoils:

I hate climbing. Captain Henqua must have been a sadist when it came to hiding treasure. Maybe the vantage will help me find his plundered riches. Or maybe I'll just die of exhaustion on the way up. Whichever's quicker.

Follow the water to find this treasure easily (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

For this you're looking for a bridge across a river, specifically this part of the river that forks just west of Paradis.

Go to the area of the river that forks, west of Paradis (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Here you can stand and match up with the map image.

This is the bridge you are looking for (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Now you're going to have to swim, the map indicates an underwater cave just next to that left pillar. Lets go diving!

How long can you hold your breath? (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Head through the opening on the left, and swim to a brand new Unique Shield, the Wind and Wave.

I'll take that thank you (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Dawnshore treasure map 3 - Woedica's Inheritance

This map should be sold by Sanza in his Emporium in Paradis Hightown, unfortunately he doesn't sell it in my game despite me completing his quest to find all of the cartographers. If he doesn't sell the map for you, don't worry you can still get the treasure. Here is the clue:

This treasure is found along the walls of Paradis (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Head for the waypoint nearest the east entrance to Paradis, you'll want to stand here on the map to get this view.

The view point is outside the walls behind the Mermaids Den (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

From here you'll see the matching image you are looking for, a small ravine, follow it inwards to the end.

This image matches the map clue perfectly (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Once close to the walls, you'll see a sneaky button on the wall, press is to open the door to the treasure.

Avowed treasure map in Dawnshore

Press this button (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

A door will open (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Your reward is the Gloves of the Strangler.

Fancy gloves for your Envoy (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Emerald Stair treasure maps

Emerald Stair treasure map 1 - Practical Pockets

This treasure map can be purchased from the merchant in The Gifted Magpie, a teahouse in Fior mes Iverno, his name is Ector Brewer.

A good ranger is prepared for any challenge, but the best ranger has snacks on hand. Now that I have retired, I have no further need for my coat of many pockets. Use it in good health, though mind the crumbs and the smell of cheese.

Somewhere, beyond the trees, somewhere waiting for meee, is treasure (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

For this one, head just North- East of the Ranger Headquarters as indicated on the map below. If you haven't been past there yet, look for Rolling Crags on your map north of the city of Fior me Iverno.

Avowed treasure maps

This treasure map leads just past the Ranger Headquarters. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

The Practical Pockets solution, here is the tower view you are looking for. (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Turn to your left from the view below to find a small opening in the cliff, and claim your treasure.

I smell treasure (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Your reward is the Hjilde's Handy Hide Light Armor Unique.

This unique armor is light and good for elemental resistance (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Emerald Stair treasure map 2 - Earthy Aegis

This map is found by the ruins of Naku Tedek, rather than heading in the main doors, swing right and follow past the market stalls. You'll be able to clim up on branch to see a hole in a building.

Once you grab the map, it looks like this:

Something is... growing(?) on my wooden shield. This is what I get for stealing it from a delemgan. I will hide the accursed thing until I find a suitable weed killer. Or a good set of pruning shears.

You're looking for a broken structure in the distnce behind some trees (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Below we have took a screenshot of the exact part of the map you need to be to see this view.

This treasure is found in the Delemgan Glade area (Image credit: Zachary Boddy - Windows Central)

It's this ruined building here, you can climb around it on the branch on the right hand side. From here you'll see a sneaky switch to press and open the door to the building.

Emerald Stair treasure map 3 - Painters Regret

This map can be found in a farmhouse north of Maxim's Claim Party Camp.

Avowed map showing location of treasure map

(Image credit: Obsidian)

Head inside and take the map from the painters things.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Window Central)

Here is the image you will be given to find.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Window Central)

Head to this area on the map, it's right by the Rootbound Godless Ruins.

Avowed Treasure maps

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Window Central)

If you stand here you can see the cave you need to head for circled on the left, however you can't jump directly there. Instead go for the cave on the right of the waterfall, follow it round to jump across (clue: you'll need to smash a wall to get to the opening).

Shatterscarp treasure maps

Shatterscarp treasure map 1 - Robe of the Arcane Cheater

This one can be purchased as soon as you enter Shatterscarp, look for Ilena The Grain Merchant amongst the miners as you enter the area.

And here I thought I was being clever, cheating on my exams at Bragganhyl by crafting a helpful robe. Then I got caught. That ugly bundle of rags cost me my education and my future as a scholar. Wasn't worth it in the end. From now on, I'll educate myself. Tough it out on my own as a wizard of the wild. Help yourself to the robe, I won't be needing it.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

This one took me a while to find, but it's on the east of the Ancient Lake Bed, you'll want to stand at the map point below to see it.

The Ancient Lakebed holds many secrets (and treasure) (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

From here you will spot the hole in the rock face, follow my very professionally drawn line up the hill and around to drop down on the entrance from above.

You'll need to drop on this treasure from above (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

It's only a small cave, you'll see the treasure straight away, inside your reward is the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance. A superb quality light armor.

Shatterscarp treasure map 2 - Seafarer's Boots

This map is found here in Shatterscarp, look at the marker on the map below. You're then trying to find what looks like a picnic blanket.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Here is the picnic blanket you are looking for, there should be an NPC standing next to it muttering to himself.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

These boots helped me across the long sea journey. May they help you as well... once you've found them. You didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you? The gods love a challenge, and I pray they delight in yours.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

For this, you'll need to stand on the map marker below by the Sulfur mines to see this specific view.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

The arch overhead on the right, head for that and find a corpse in the left under the bridge. They have the treasure, a pair of Wavebinder Boots.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Shatterscarp Tusk treasure map 3 - Dead Man's Mail

For this map, you're looking for a campsite. Head to this location on the map in the very far East. The marker sits on the 'Great Sand Sea' lettering on the map.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

The map can be found on a skeleton lying inside a tent.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

After painstaking effort and a lifetime of grave robbery, I have invented the darkest pinnacle of necromancy - the armor of the dead for the living. Leather so fresh it recalls back to the flesh, adra to pin the soul down, and unsightly corpse pants to complete the look. Only trouble is, the whole thing reeks of the grave. So I'll hide it away until the smell subsides.

Avowed map location for treasure in Shatterscarp

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

This location can be seen from the below map area, head to Shark's Teeth just north of Tago's Tower. Before you head there though, make sure you have at least 3 lockpicks on you. If you are running low, purchase them from a vendor.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

For the treasure, head for the top opening on that right hand tower, as indicated on the puzzle image. You can reach it by balancing on branch from the side of the structure.

Avowed map location for treasure in Shatterscarp

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

The reward for finding this treasure is the Unique Necropants. You'll need 3 lockpicks to open the chest.

Galawain's Tusk treasure maps

Galawain's Tusk treasure map 1 - Ancient Arrowhead

This map isn't far from the entrance as you first enter the area of Galawain's Tusks (thus my very uncovered map below). Head North West of the entrance to an area called the Writhing Ruins.

Galawain's Tusks is dark and full of terrors (and treasure) (Image credit: Jennifer Young-Windows Central)

Be prepared for a fight with lots of giant bugs in this area, but once you can catch a breather, look for this skeleton lying on the rock, it has the treasure map.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

I found a strange arrowhead in the caves... where I'm not allowed to go exploring. But that's okay! I've hidden it so I can find it again when I finally grow up. Now it's just a question of where to hide the map. Maybe in that abandoned beetle's nest? Right, it's sure to be safe there!

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

This one is quite easy to see from a distance, in fact if you have made camp South of the Southern Warden Tower, you'll have likely seen this. Head North West from the Southern Warden Tower in The Sallow Steppe to this location to see it.

Go and stand on the rocks where the arrow indicates on this map (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Here is the image in-game

This was one of the easier Avowed Treasure maps to solve as the lava is visible from quite a distance (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Look immediately to your left from the viewpoint to find the treasure chest, and you'll get a new Unique Trinket, the Scout's Reach.

Galawain's Tusk treasure map 2 - My Loyal Shield

This treasure map is easy to purchase, you can grab it from the 'Stock Keeper Erbert' who is located at the Southern Warden Tower.

Many a time have I carried this shield into war, and what has it gotten me? I have survived to see no good come of my work. None of the prosperity I myself vowed would come ever did. No peace. Only more war. So be it. The next time I go to battle, it will be without my loyal protector. Let it serve another.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

There are many towers that look exactly like this in the region, but make note of the scaffolding and crane faded in the background, that is more unique. The specific tower you are looking for this treasure map is located here, in the middle of Slumbering Fields and Amalia's Camp:

Avowed screenshot of a map showing location of treasure

Head to the indicated marker on the map to find the correct tower on the treasure map (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Head for the opening circled on the image, you'll follow a path and some stairs upwards.

Avowed screenshot showing location of treasure

The final treasure map in Galwain's Tusk points here (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Head through this opening and up some stairs at the rear to reach the tower. Inside there will be a treasure chest but this isn't the map treasure. To get that you'll need to press another sneaky button. It's on the table.

Your reward is the Umbral Needle wand.

Galawain's Tusk treasure map 3 - The Blade that Hungers

This area had a third treasure map, throwing my 'two per region' theory out the window. This one can be purchased from a merchant called Bulti in Solace Keep.

(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

There are a lot of areas in Galwain's Tusks that look like this, but the burned trees should lead you to the Ash Forest.

Your reward is the Umbral Needle

Avowed launches on Feb. 18, 2025 across Xbox Series X|S and Windows PC via Steam, the Xbox App, and Battle.net. As an Xbox first-party game, the standard edition is included day one in Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass. Anyone preordering the Premium Edition of the game can start playing early on February 13. For more details, check out our full Avowed review.

Jennifer Young

Jen is a News Writer for Windows Central, focused on all things gaming and Microsoft. Anything slaying monsters with magical weapons will get a thumbs up such as Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Diablo, and Monster Hunter. When not playing games, she'll be watching a horror or trash reality TV show, she hasn't decided which of those categories the Kardashians fit into. You can follow Jen on Twitter @Jenbox360 for more Diablo fangirling and general moaning about British weather. 

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