Avowed: All Totem fragment locations: Totem of Rightful Rulership, Totem of Defiance, Totem of Revelations and Totem of Perseverance

Totem location in Avowed
The envoy searches for the Totem of Rightful Rulership (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

Looking for all of the Avowed Totems?

Do you have a cryptic clue for the Totem of Rightful Rulership and don't know what on earth to look for? We got you.

Each area in Avowed has a Totem base, and 6 pieces to place within it for some powerful character and companion buffs.

Once you've collected all the pieces of the God Totems, you can put them together at your camp, but you'll need to find them first.

How do I find all the totems in Avowed?

Turn on the God Shrine Totem compass in UI settings to help you find all of them (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

You can come across Totem pieces at any point in your game, but it is a lot easier if you purchase the clues from a vendor in each area. These clues are riddles of a sort to solve, but if you're having any trouble don't worry we have all the locations for the totems below.

If you want to find them yourself, go to your UI settings and Activate 'Compass - God Shrine Totem Pieces' This is turned off by default which we unfortunately found out after finding all the pieces. It will help you narrow down the areas. Don't be us!

Dawnshore Totem - Totem of Rightful Rulership

How to find all of the pieces for Totem of Rightful Rulership in Dawnshore

You can purchase the clues for the first Totem to complete from Sansa in High Paradis, head for his Emporium, and purchase the clues. There are 7 pieces to find in total for the Totem of Rightful Rulership (one of them is in the room behind him):

Avowed - The Scales of the Oathbinder - Totem Base

"The Burned Queen's totem patiently waits amidst ruins of the heathens she hates."

Avowed - Broken Crown Jewel location

"This golden crown's stolen gem, can be found in the emporium"

This is just lying in Sansa's back room in the Emporium (Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

This totem piece is in Sansa's shop in High Paradis, you should grab it straight after purchasing the clues.

Avowed - Golden Scale of Order location

"In Dwarven halls 'neath mountain shroud, the Strangler's justice can still be found."

The Pargrun Cache is full of treasures, including this totem piece! Climb to the top of the ruins and look for a wall that looks breakable, smash it with a grenade. Head up some more scaffolding and across some rocks to find the Golden Scale of Order.

Avowed - Golden Scale of Justice location

"Overlooking booths where goods are sold, this balcony leads to order's hold."

This totem piece is around the Market District, look for a balcony up high like in the image, jump from the opposite roof to get through the door. The totem piece is on the lower floor, you'll need to burn through some spider webs to get there.

Avowed - Golden Plaque of Oaths location

"Below death's grip so icy and cold, await ancient oaths cast in gold."

Head to the map marker and look for a grating that you can smash with ice, then jump down and grab the Plaque of Oaths.

Avowed - Golden Plaque of Promises location

"Beneath an amethyst light on high, this shining plaque draws sailors' eyes."

This clue pretty clearly points towards that huge lighthouse you can see from many angles around Dawnshore. It's directly left of Claviger's Landing docks. Climb all the way to the top to grab both a totem piece on your way up, the Captain Henqua's Spoils treasure map, and do a sweet jump from the top. You know you want to.

Avowed - Golden Flames location

"Atop the isle of wicked outlaws, flicker golden flames of glorious cause."

You'll happen across the Golden Flames totem when you come to defeat the smugglers in the area, for which there is a bounty. Look for a small passageway under some scaffolding and jump across some rocks on the side of the mountain to find this totem and complete the Totem of Rightful Rulership.

Avowed Totem of Rightful Rulership buffs (Scales of the Oathbinder)

Scales of the Oathbinder buffs in Avowed (Image credit: Zachary Boddy - Windows Central)

Emerald Stair Totem - Totem of Defiance

How to find all of the pieces for Totem of Defiance in Emerald Stair

You can purchase the clues for the Emerald Stair Totem from a merchant called Lluisa Meleer at the Farmer's Market. You don't need the clues to find the pieces but they will help! First you'll need to find the base, The Schemer's Offering.

Avowed - The Schemer's Offering - Totem Base

To find the totem of the Quiet Slave, an ancient tower you must brave.

The base is found within the Delemgan Glade, at the map marker above. Specifically you are looking for the Shrine to Skaen, and you'll need to use the platforms available to climb to the top.

Avowed - Obsidian Prayer Beads location

In a verdant glade where old ruins crumble, you will find beads dark and umbral.

You don't have far to go from The Schemer's Offering base to find the Obsidian Prayer Beads. They are just across the river from the Delemgan Glade on a high platform.

Avowed - Effigy necklace location

Hidden in ruins of heathens long gone, the octet of skulls sings its silent song.

This one nearly eluded us, as Naku Tedek is full of different pathways. Head to the back of the temple and activate the essence generator to go through a door. In the first flooded room you come to, freeze the water to climb onto a branch and work your way across to the table where the Effigy Necklance can be found.

Avowed - Idol of Violent Rebellion location

From on high the third surveys the land, sewing the seeds of revolt near at hand.

The Idol of Violent Rebellion is at the top of the Ranger Headquarters, you may find yourself here as part of a side quest but if not, simply climb the building to get your totem piece.

Avowed - Idol of Secret Hatred location

In a damp hollow its sibling waits full of rage, while its previous owner decays with age.

The Ancient Grotto is easy to find if you are looking for the Old Nuna Bounty, but it's not far from Naku Tedek Grounds. Once inside a cave use ice to make a safe bridge across the deadly water, and the Idol of Secret Hatred will be found through one of the narrow tunnel openings.

Avowed - Idol of Covert Plots location

In a place of worship amidst moldering rot, this idol continues to scheme and plot.

Look for a destroyed building in the Infested Camp. You'll need to get in by dropping down through the roof.

Avowed - Sacrificial Dagger Location

Left alone in fallow fields, the ritual blade thirsts for skin freshly peeled.

The Sacrificial Dagger is on the wall of one of the buildings at the Abandoned Farms, specifically the top left building. Look for a glowing piece of paper. You now have all the pieces to complete the Totem of Defiance.

Avowed Totem of Defiance buffs (The Schema's Offering)

Avowed God Totem locations

The Schema's Offering buffs in Avowed (Image credit: Zachary Boddy - Windows Central)

Shatterscarp Totem - Totem of Revelations

How to find all of the pieces for Totem of Revelations in Shatterscarp

You can purchase the clues for the Shatterscarp totem from a merchant called Cinzia in Thirdborn, you'll need to have fought past the Dreamthralls at the entrance to the city first, but she's manning the bar at the back of the city. You don't need the clues to find the pieces but they will help! The base is called the Shrine of Wael.

Avowed - Shrine of Wael - Totem Base

The Hundred Visions' totem lies in a seaside cavern overrun with eyes.

This one, called the Shrine of Wael, is you guessed it, at the Shrine of Wael on the map. Head for the shiny pink rocks and make your way through the tunnels.

Avowed - Ruby Eye location

On the ancient lakebed’s edge, to the ruby eye your words you will pledge.

Don't head away from the Shrine to Wael just yet, there's another piece of the Totem of Revelations here. Look for another pathway for a cave with a bunch of lights in that resemble 'eyes', follow it and you'll see a woman looking out to sea. The woman, the Ward of the Eye is protecting the totem. Answer her questions and she'll hand you the Ruby Eye.

Avowed - Sapphire Eye location

At the bottom of an oasis deep, the Sapphire eye is yours to keep.

You'll need to swim for this one, it's south east from the 'Great Sand Sea' on your map — dive to the middle of the pool to find the Sapphire Eye.

Avowed - Topaz Eye location

Beneath a watery behemoth’s ancient bones, the topaz eye awaits all alone.

While on your travels you'll spot Leviathan's Hollow, where there is a huge monstrous skull opening into a cave. Swim into the mouth of the beast and on the second floor of these ruins you'll find the Topaz Eye.

Avowed - Amethyst Eye location

This totem can be found in the ruined town on the Eastern part of the Ancient Lakebed. Look for a woman grieving and tending to the dead, the Amethyst Eye is in this area.

Avowed - Agate Eye location

Amidst sprawling ruins of the faithless of old, the agate eye has waited for years untold.

A clue pointing to ruins isn't exactly helpful in a game full of ruins, but we found this one in the dungeon within the Sand Sea Ruins.

Avowed - Emerald Eye location

The emerald eye rests on an unfinished likeness, not far from unnatural iciness.

The Emerald Eye can be found in Sharks Teeth, just head to the map marker and climb a scaffolding tower to grab it and complete the Totem of Revelations.

Avowed Totem of Revelations buff (Eyes of the Obscured)

The Eyes of the Obscured buff in Avowed (Image credit: Zachary Boddy - Windows Central)

Galawain's Tusks Totem - Totem of Perserverance

How to find all of the pieces for Totem of Perserverance in Galawain's Tusks

You can purchase the clues for the Galawain's Tusks totem from a merchant in Solace Keep (there are many merchants in the keep but it should be in the first room). The Totem Base is called The Huntmaster's Spoils and you may have already found it on the way to the keep, but if not, keep reading.

Avowed - Shrine to Galwain - Totem Base

Where the fungal forest halts, among the ruins the Changeling's totem exalts.

Avowed - Antler of the Preserving Stag

Below a bridge above the acid sea, the first of the elk's remains shall be.

Head for the map marker to find the bridge to The Garden (you won't be able to enter yet and will need to follow the story to get in), however there is a piece of the Totem to grab here, just on the right of the bridge.

Avowed - Antler of the Pursued Stag

Past disused tower guarding lava fields, by stone and bramble this antler is sealed.

Look for a spider cave (covered in webs) and take Yatzli with you as you'll need to dispel an illusionary wall of rocks to find this totem piece.

Avowed - Wolf's Pelt Trophy

The lupine pelt will heed your call, on ashen tower where the sky did fall.

This will be at the top of the Ash Forest, not far from where one of the Treasure Maps points to. Look for an outpost tower, climb to the top to get your totem piece.

Avowed - Hunters Arrows of Seeking

Near the founder's head these arrows find, out of view where he is blind.

You'll head to Mount Forja as part of a story quest to find Lodwyn, so I wouldn't bother looking for this one until you have that quest. Just grab the totem piece from the ledges not far from where the story quest ends before you leave the area.

Avowed - Hunter's Arrows of Slaying

In fallen spire amidst fields of slumber, a wooden trio waits to be discovered.

This totem can be found within a crumbling tower not far from the Spore King Bounty.

Hunter's Arrows of Surviving

The final shafts you shall seek in a silent village where spirits still shriek.

The clues for this lead to the Pargrun Cache but you're better off approaching the town from the fast travel point for the Primordial Depths North Beacon. You'll need to jump across some lava to find some more delightful spiders and follow the path through the lair. You can now take the pieces back to camp and make the Totem of Perserverance.

Totem of Perserverance buff (The Huntmaster's Spoils)

The Huntmaster's Spoils buffs (Image credit: Zachary Boddy - Windows Central)
Jennifer Young

Jen is a News Writer for Windows Central, focused on all things gaming and Microsoft. Anything slaying monsters with magical weapons will get a thumbs up such as Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Diablo, and Monster Hunter. When not playing games, she'll be watching a horror or trash reality TV show, she hasn't decided which of those categories the Kardashians fit into. You can follow Jen on Twitter @Jenbox360 for more Diablo fangirling and general moaning about British weather. 

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