oVid will bring networked video recording exclusively to Windows Phone this year

A team in France has developed an app called oVid. The idea is for a handful of Windows Phones to be linked together to record video across the network of hardware that's connected. The app was developed for this year's 2013 Imagine Cup and utilises Bluetooth and WiFi to create a rather awesome experience.

Sounds interesting, right? So where can this technology be utilised? An example provided is a music festival where a user begins recording at the event, while others can join in and record from their Windows Phones once the first user halts. This opens up multiple unique points of perspective and enables everyone to enjoy the event without having to hold a device in the air for long periods of time.

As the above video shows, it's essentially a pass-along service, but instead of handing over your device, other users utilise their Windows Phones. The footage captured can then be shared on social networks and found on the oVid website, as well as the Windows and Windows Phone apps. What if the content isn't synchronised correctly? The team behind oVid notes they've implemented measures to prevent such a situation from occurring:

"We've developed a number of clever syncing technologies. We use these and Windows Azure Live Smooth Streaming to ensure that the video is all displayed live for all participants, this all works through known delays and pre-determined time intervals, we wanted oVid to be perfect regardless of platform, device, or environmental effects."

As an added bonus for Windows Phone consumers (and Microsoft) it's noted the app will be exclusively available for the mobile platform. When can we expect to see the app be made available for the public? Sometime in July, ahead of the Imagine Cup finals that take place on July 8th. Be sure to check out the oVid Facebook page for more information.

Thanks, Ouadie, for the information!

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.