Fallout 76 ultimate guide: Tips, tricks and more

Later this year, Bethesda plans to release the next installment of its post-apocalyptic role-playing series – Fallout 76. Diverging from series roots in pursuit of online multiplayer, its emergent shared-world brings a new dynamic edge to gameplay. With a rich open world expected at launch and promise of regular free updates, the ambitious title reworks the wasteland experience from the ground up.

Ahead of Fallout 76's Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Windows PCs debut, we've wrapped up everything you need to know, alongside extensive guides to help you on your journey.

Getting started in Fallout 76

While there's still a lot unknown about Fallout 76, pre-release videos have established the foundations for its online world. With the debut of West Virginia, players can experience new locations, fight its strange creatures, and uncover post-war secrets. For those new to Fallout, we've wrapped up the basics we know so far into a handy, regularly updated article.

Fallout 76: Everything you need to know

How to play Fallout 76

Between the three available editions of Fallout 76 and various retailer bonuses, it can be challenging to choose the best for you. These purchasing guides break down game availability, gifts for series fans, and what how to play the anticipated beta test.

Fallout 76 gameplay guides

Among Fallout 76 announcements so far, we already know the basics surrounding its map, weapons, progression, and other systems. When you need a helping hand, these guides are here to help.

Fallout 76 news

Say in the loop with future Fallout 76 announcements with Windows Central's dedicated Fallout 76 game hub. Not only will you see breaking news as it happens – guides, reviews, and editorials are also spotlighted here.

Windows Central's Fallout 76 Hub

In the meantime, Fallout 76 is now available for preorder starting at $59.99, ahead of its expected November 14 release. Let us know what you're excited about in Fallout 76 in the comments section.

Matt Brown

Matt Brown was formerly a Windows Central's Senior Editor, Xbox & PC, at Future. Following over seven years of professional consumer technology and gaming coverage, he’s focused on the world of Microsoft's gaming efforts. You can follow him on Twitter @mattjbrown.