F1 driver Heikki Kovalainen believes Nokia Lumia 920's camera is "real good"

Finland Formular 1 racing driver Heikki Kovalainen has published some photos taken on a Nokia Lumia 920 to Twitter. That's not entirely 'newsworthy' on its own, right? Well, Kovalainen subsequently replied to a tweet sent from a follower, asking if the shots were taken with a Nokia Lumia smartphone, with positive feedback on experience with the camera. 

We've previously shouted from the rooftop of the tallest skyscrapers in the world just how good Nokia's PureView technology is when using a Lumia 920 in low-light conditions. Nokia has also run some tests asking consumers to try and best the 920 with a competitor smartphone. Check out one of the shots he published on Twitter photos captured on the Windows Phone:

It's nice to see these type of endorsements.  American businessman Mark Cuban also revealed he's sporting a Lumia 920 in an AMA (As Me Anything) session on Reddit, which adds to the list (with Kovalainen) of celebrities who are playing a part in the marketing of Windows Phone.

via: NokiaPowerUser; thanks, a2k, for the tip!

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.