Clove UK turns 20, shows off history in video and opens up competitions

We're not ones to publicly announce birthdays for each and every company in our industry, but today's a slightly special day. Clove (, a UK mobile phone retailer has turned 20 year old. The company started up back in 1992 and as-of-today continues to provide a top notch service for those seeking unlocked mobile devices and / or accessories.

As mentioned above, Clove's 20th is a special birthday as the retailer sent us a box of goodies enabling us to celebrate with them, which was a welcomed (and unexpected) touch. Inside said package was an array of items, from pens to notepads and jelly beans to a cupcake (check the photo above for all the items). The company published an announcement, as well as setting up a few surprises for customers.

An interesting snippet from the announcement on Clove's website:

"In November 1992 when Chris & Jill Love founded Clove Technology and sold their first Psion product (which Chris even hand delivered), who would have thought 20 years later, the mobile device in our hands would be almost as powerful and even replace the desktop computer we have at home."

So Clove has a rich history in mobile, as one can tell with the excitement generated by the team on reaching the almost-legally-able-to-drink-alcohol-in-the-US milestone. But if you thought this would be a mere press release thanking customers for each and every supported purchase, you'd be mistaken as the company has a few surprises to hand out (literally). 

First, everyone should definitely check out the following video which looks at the evolution of mobile devices the company has stocked since it launched 20 years ago. It's well worth checking out how technology (particularly mobile devices) have evolved over the years.

To celebrate the birthday in style Clove will be giving away 150 prizes in total through a planned daily draw, where a single outstanding prize and several runner-up prizes will be handed out, and also a grand prize draw to finish the competitions off (with an extra special prize added in). So how does one enter the competitions?

Daily Draw

Each and every day (20th - 30th November) a main prize and further smaller prizes are available for grabs - but what's contained in each reward will not be unveiled until winners are picked. It's super straight forward to enter - simply like, share or comment on blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Instagram status that have #clove20 in them.

According to the announcement, the more someone comments and participates in the competition, the more chances one stands of winning a prize. The winners of each daily prize will be drawn and published the following day. The competitions have already begun, so be sure to keep an eye out on the Clove 20th page for winners when published.

Grand Prizes

On November 30th Clove will be unveiling the grand prize. To enter into the draw, simply head on over to the entry form, but take note that full name and a valid email address is required to take part.

Be sure to take part as much as possible to maximise chances of winning the daily prizes, check out Clove's inventory of Windows Phones, and wish them a Happy Birthday. Clove has displayed strong support for Windows Phone here in the UK and we look forward to working with the company in the future to present choice to consumers when looking to purchase their next handset.

Source: Clove, YouTube

Rich Edmonds
Senior Editor, PC Build

Rich Edmonds was formerly a Senior Editor of PC hardware at Windows Central, covering everything related to PC components and NAS. He's been involved in technology for more than a decade and knows a thing or two about the magic inside a PC chassis. You can follow him on Twitter at @RichEdmonds.