Cities: Skylines Season 2 spotted on Xbox Store, features various expansions (update)

Updated January 31, 2019: Cities: Skylines kicked off Season 2 with the launch of the Green Cities expansion and European Suburbia content creator pack today. You have to purchase a new season pass to access this content.

Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulator. The game introduces new gameplay elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city-building experience. We've extensively played the title and believe that this game surpasses even the earlier Sim City games.

According to a report by TrueAchievements, Cities: Skylines is getting another season of content on Xbox One at the end of this month. The outlet spotted a listing for "Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition 2019" on the Microsoft Store which is expected to launch on January 31, 2019. It includes the following content.

  • Green Cities expansion
  • European Suburbia content creator pack
  • Parklife expansion
  • Country Road Radio radio station
  • All That Jazz radio station
  • Industries expansion
  • Synthetic Dawn Radio radio station

Cities: Skylines Season 2 will be available for purchase separately as well. It's unclear how much the new content will cost, but we don't expect it to be that much.

In our review we wrote, "few modern city-building games approach Cities: Skylines in terms of quality and depth, and it's awesome to see a smaller developer step in and prove that there's still an audience for this type of game, even if the big players weren't willing to provide it." EA might be too caught up in nickel-and-diming consumers, but at least the genre lives on in more capable hands.

Cities: Skylines joined Xbox Game Pass in April 2018. Membership costs $9.99 each month, so be sure to check it out if you want a Netflix-style subscription for games on Xbox One.

Asher Madan

Asher Madan handles gaming news for Windows Central. Before joining Windows Central in 2017, Asher worked for a number of different gaming outlets. He has a background in medical science and is passionate about all forms of entertainment, cooking, and antiquing.