Chime in: Are you losing faith in Microsoft and Windows?

Microsoft Logo at Ignite
Microsoft Logo at Ignite (Image credit: Windows Central)

Microsoft currently has a lot going for it, namely its Surface line of laptops, Xbox products, and software. However, despite all of its upsides, many people who regularly use Microsoft and Windows products see a possible retrenchment in the near future.

Windows Central forum member Bobvfr recently created a thread stating that he is planning on stepping away from Microsoft products following a possible purchase of an Xbox One X (4K is so sweet).

As stated so many times I like Windows and Windows Phone, my personal set up is a 950XL with dock, Surface Pro 4 with dock and this is my tablet/laptop/desktop, an Xbox One as the base for my entertainment system. I subscribe to Office 365, Xbox Live, Groove, Skype number and subs. Similar setups for my wife and family I do plan on buying the Xbox One X maybe just after the holidays. The...


One of the main reasons Bobvfr states for a retrenchment is the lack of solid mobile platform to sew the package together, and no doubt many of you can relate. There are already quite a few responses from other forum members, in which they explain what services they're keeping and what services they're switching.

What do you think? Do you see a switch to Android or iPhone in the near future? What about your other devices and services? Head over to our forum now and let Bobvfr know what you're planning!

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Cale Hunt

Cale Hunt brings to Windows Central more than eight years of experience writing about laptops, PCs, accessories, games, and beyond. If it runs Windows or in some way complements the hardware, there’s a good chance he knows about it, has written about it, or is already busy testing it.