Bing now includes tweets and celebrity Twitter handles in search results (US)

As part of their previously announced partnership with Twitter, Microsoft has now added a new feature to its Bing search service that will allow at least some of its users to search directly for tweets and also celebrity Twitter handles.

The new feature, which appears to be restricted to just the U.S. for the time being, allows people to search for a Twitter hashtag in the search box – such as "#windowsphone" – to then see the top tweets in the search results.

Bing will also let users find specific Twitter accounts. It states:

"Say you are looking for Ashton Kutcher's Twitter handle and start typing '@a' in the Search box on Bing. You will see top suggestions for Twitter handles that match your input along with additional info that shows up on hover, to help you quickly find the right person."

Bing Tweets

Microsoft has also extended its celebrity search features in Bing to include the top content currently published on Twitter in its search results.

What do you think of this new way to find Twitter messages in Bing and will it be useful to Microsoft in its quest to take some search market share away from Google?

Source: Bing blog

John Callaham