Bing now helps you find restaurants' most popular dishes on mobile browsers

If you are looking for a new place to eat, you might also want to find out which menu item gets the best reviews. Microsoft has added a new feature to its Bing search engine that allows mobile browser users to not only see reviews of restaurants but also to view which part of the menu has been ranked as the best among its customers.

Bing restaraunts

Microsoft says:

"To try it out, search for a restaurant in your mobile browser and within the information card you'll find the "Menu favorites" section. From there you'll see which menu items have been recommended by other diners. When you click on any dish from the "Menu favorites" section you'll see descriptions and user reviews detailing the item. From there, you can navigate to see details about other favorite dishes, too."

How helpful is this new "Menu Favorites" feature for Bing mobile user? Let us know your opinion in the comments.

Source: Microsoft

John Callaham