List of all Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts: The ultimate guide

Surface Laptop 5
Surface Laptop 5 (Image credit: Future)

On Windows 10, the system offers a slew of keyboard shortcuts to help you quickly navigate and perform actions using one or multiple key combos, which otherwise would take many more clicks and time to complete the task with the mouse.

Although the operating system has a long list of shortcuts, you don't need to learn every one of them. You only need to remember those that will help you make your workflow easier and help you finish tasks faster.

In this how-to guide, I'll outline the most helpful keyboard shortcuts for navigating and operating the desktop and apps. You can also check out these additional shortcuts for Windows 11.

Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

This comprehensive list includes the most helpful keyboard shortcuts to perform tasks on Windows 10.

Essential shortcuts

In this list, I'm including the most essential keyboard shortcuts anyone should know on Windows 10:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + ASelect all content.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy selected items to clipboard.
Ctrl + XCut selected items to clipboard.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste content from clipboard.
Ctrl + ZUndo an action, including undelete files (limited).
Ctrl + YRedo an action.
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate new folder on desktop or File Explorer.
Alt + F4Close active window. (If no active window is present, a shutdown box appears.)
Ctrl + D (Del)Delete selected item to the Recycle Bin.
Shift + DeleteDelete the selected item permanently, skipping Recycle Bin.
F2Rename selected item.
EscClose current task.
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps.
PrtScnTake a screenshot and stores it in the clipboard.
Windows key + IOpen Settings app.
Windows key + EOpen File Explorer.
Windows key + AOpen Action center.
Windows key + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Windows key + LLock device.
Windows key + VOpen Clipboard bin.
Windows key + Period (.) or Semicolon (;)Open emoji panel.
Windows key + PrtScnCapture a full screenshot in the "Screenshots" folder.
Windows key + Shift + SCapture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch.
Windows key + Left arrow keySnap app or window left.
Windows key + Right arrow keySnap app or window right.

Desktop shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close, navigate, and perform tasks faster throughout the desktop experience, including the Start menu, Taskbar, Settings, and more.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Windows key (or Ctrl + Esc)Open Start menu.
Ctrl + Arrow keysChange Start menu size.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager.
Ctrl + ShiftSwitch keyboard layout.
Alt + F4Close active window. (If no active window is present, a shutdown box appears.)
Ctrl + F5 (or Ctrl + R)Refresh current window.
Ctrl + Alt + TabView open apps.
Ctrl + Arrow keys (to select) + SpacebarSelect multiple items on desktop or File Explorer.
Alt + Underlined letterRuns command for the underlined letter in apps.
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps while pressing Tab multiple times.
Alt + Left arrow keyGo back.
Alt + Right arrow keyGo forward.
Alt + Page UpMove up one screen.
Alt + Page DownMove down one screen.
Alt + EscCycle through open windows.
Alt + SpacebarOpen context menu for the active window.
Alt + F8Reveals typed password in Sign-in screen.
Shift + Click app buttonOpen another instance of an app from the Taskbar.
Ctrl + Shift + Click app buttonRun app as administrator from the Taskbar.
Shift + Right-click app buttonShow window menu for the app from the Taskbar.
Ctrl + Click a grouped app buttonCycle through windows in the group from the Taskbar.
Shift + Right-click grouped app buttonShow window menu for the group from the Taskbar.
Ctrl + Left arrow keyMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Right arrow keyMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Up arrow keyMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Ctrl + Down arrow keyMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keySelect block of text.
Ctrl + SpacebarEnable or disable Chinese IME.
Shift + F10Open context menu for selected item.
F10Enable app menu bar.
Shift + Arrow keysSelect multiple items.
Windows key + XOpen Quick Link menu.
Windows key + Number (0-9)Open the app in number position from the Taskbar.
Windows key + TCycle through apps in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Alt + Number (0-9)Open Jump List of the app in number position from the Taskbar.
Windows key + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Windows key + MMinimize all windows.
Windows key + Shift + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop.
Windows key + HomeMinimize or maximize all but the active desktop window.
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow keyStretch desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows key + Shift + Down arrow keyMaximize or minimize active desktop windows vertically while maintaining width.
Windows key + Shift + Left arrow keyMove active window to monitor on the left.
Windows key + Shift + Right arrow keyMove active window to monitor on the right.
Windows key + Left arrow keySnap app or window left.
Windows key + Right arrow keySnap app or window right.
Windows key + S (or Q)Open Search.
Windows key + Alt + DOpen date and time in the Taskbar.
Windows key + TabOpen Task View.
Windows key + Ctrl + DCreate new virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + F4Close active virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrowSwitch to the virtual desktop on the right.
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrowSwitch to the virtual desktop on the left.
Windows key + POpen Project settings.
Windows key + AOpen Action center.
Windows key + IOpen Settings app.
BackspaceReturn to the Settings app home page.

File Explorer shortcuts

On Windows 10, these are the most useful keyboard shortcuts you can use on File Explorer:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Windows key + EOpen File Explorer.
Alt + DSelect address bar.
Ctrl + E (or F)Select search box.
Ctrl + NOpen new window.
Ctrl + WClose active window.
Ctrl + F (or F3)Start search.
Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheelChange view file and folder.
Ctrl + Shift + EExpands all folders from the tree in the navigation pane.
Ctrl + Shift + NCreates a new folder on desktop or File Explorer.
Ctrl + LFocus on the address bar.
Ctrl + Shift + Number (1-8)Changes folder view.
Alt + PDisplay preview panel.
Alt + EnterOpen Properties settings for the selected item.
Alt + Right arrow keyView next folder.
Alt + Left arrow key (or Backspace)View previous folder.
Alt + Up arrowMove up a level in the folder path.
F11Switch active window full-screen mode.
F2Rename selected item.
F4Switch focus to address bar.
F5Refresh File Explorer's current view.
F6Cycle through elements on the screen.
HomeScroll to the top of the window.
EndScroll to the bottom of the window.

Settings page shortcuts

This list includes the keyboard shortcuts for the dialog box legacy settings pages (for example, Folder Options).

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + TabCycles forward through the tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + TabCycles back through the tabs.
Ctrl + number of tabJumps to tab position.
TabMoves forward through the settings.
Shift + TabMoves back through the settings.
Alt + underline letterActions the setting identified by the letter.
SpacebarChecks or clears the option in focus.
BackspaceOpens the folder one-level app in the Open or Save As dialog.
Arrow keysSelect a button of the active setting.

Command Prompt shortcuts

On Command Prompt, you can use these keyboard shortcuts will help to work more efficiently and save time:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + ASelect all content of the current line.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy selected items to clipboard.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste content from clipboard.
Ctrl + MStarts mark mode.
Ctrl + Up arrow keyMove the screen up one line.
Ctrl + Down arrow keyMove screen down one line.
Ctrl + FOpen search for Command Prompt.
Left or right arrow keysMove the cursor left or right in the current line.
Up or down arrow keysCycle through the command history of the current session.
Page UpMove cursor one page up.
Page DownMove cursor one page down.
Ctrl + HomeScroll to the top of the console.
Ctrl + EndScroll to the bottom of the console.

Microsoft Edge shortcuts

On Microsoft Edge, you will benefit from these keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts apply to any version of Windows.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Ctrl + Shift + BShow or hide the favorites bar.
Alt + Shift + BFocus on the first item in the favorites bar.
Ctrl + DSave the tab as a favorite.
Ctrl + Shift + DSave open tabs as favorites inside a new folder.
Alt + D (or Ctrl + L or F4)Select the URL in the address bar to edit.
Ctrl + E (or Ctrl + K)Start search in the address bar.
Alt + E (or Alt + F or F10 + Enter)Open the Settings (three-dotted) menu.
Ctrl + F (or F3)Open the Find on page feature.
Ctrl + GCycle through search matches in the Find Bar.
Ctrl + Shift + GReverse cycle through search matches in the Find Bar.
Ctrl + HOpen the History page in a new tab.
Ctrl + Shift + I (or F12)Open Developer Tools console.
Alt + Shift + IOpen the Send feedback experience.
Ctrl + JOpen the Downloads page in a new tab.
Ctrl + Shift + KCreate a duplicate of the tab.
Ctrl + Shift + LPaste and search or Paste and go.
Ctrl + MMute the current tab.
Ctrl + Shift + MSign in as a different user in the browser or use Guest user.
Ctrl + NOpen a new tab in a new window.
Ctrl + Shift + NOpen a new InPrivate window.
Ctrl + OLaunch Open dialog.
Ctrl + Shift + OOpen Favorites management page.
Ctrl + PPrint the current page.
Ctrl + Shift + POpen print settings to print page.
Ctrl + R (or F5)Reload the current page.
Ctrl + Shift + R (or Shift + F5)Reload the page, ignoring cached content.
Ctrl + SSave loaded page.
Ctrl + TOpen a new tab and switch to new tab.
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen the last closed tab and switch to the tab.
Alt + Shift + TFocus on the first item in the toolbar.
Ctrl + UView page source code.
Ctrl + Shift + UControls Read Aloud feature.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste without including formatting.
Ctrl + W (or Ctrl + F4)Close the current tab.
Ctrl + Shift + WClose the current window and tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + YOpen Collections feature.
Ctrl + 0Reset zoom level setting.
Ctrl + 1, 2, ... 8Switch to a specific open tab.
Ctrl + 9Switch to the last tab of the window.
Ctrl + EnterAdd "www." to the link you typed.
Ctrl + Tab (or Ctrl + PgDn)Switch to the next open tab.
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous open tab.
Ctrl + Plus (+)Zoom in.
Ctrl + Minus (-)Zoom out.
Ctrl + \ (PDF)Toggle PDF between fit to page or fit to width.
Ctrl + [ (PDF)Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90 degree.
Ctrl + ] (PDF)Rotate PDF clockwise 90 degree.
Ctrl + Shift + DeleteOpen clear browsing data options.
Alt (or F10)Focus on the Settings (three-dotted) button.
Alt + Left arrowGo back.
Alt + Right arrowGo forward.
Alt + HomeOpen home page.
Alt + F4Close the current window.
F1Open Help page.
F6Switch focus to the next pane.
Shift + F6Switch focus to the previous pane.
F7Enable or disable caret browsing.
F9Enter or exit Immersive Reader.
Shift + F10Open browser context menu.
F11Enter fullscreen.
EscStop loading page, close dialog, or close pop-up.
Spacebar (or PgDn)Scroll down the webpage one screen at a time.
Shift + Spacebar (or PgUp)Scroll up the webpage one screen at a time.
TabGo to the next tab stop.
Shift + TabGo to the previous tab stop
HomeScroll to the top of the page, or move keyboard focus to the first item of the pane.
EndScroll to the bottom of the page, or move keyboard focus to the last item of the pane.
Ctrl + Shift + . (period)Opens or closes Copilot
Ctrl + Shift + , (comma)Open or closes vertical tabs
Ctrl + Shift + SOpen Web capture
Ctrl + QOpens Command palette
Shift + EscOpens Browser task manager
Alt + Shift + IOpens Send feedback

Windows key shortcuts

The "Windows key," combined with other keys, allows you to perform many useful tasks, such as launching Settings, File Explorer, the Run command, apps pinned in the Taskbar, or opening specific features like Narrator or Magnifier. You can also complete tasks like managing windows and virtual desktops, taking screenshots, locking the account, and more.

This list includes all the most common keyboard shortcuts using the Windows key.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Keyboard shortcutAction
Windows keyOpen Start menu.
Windows key + AOpen Action center.
Windows key + S (or Q)Open Search.
Windows key + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
Windows key + LLocks computer.
Windows key + MMinimize all windows.
Windows key + BSet focus notification area in the Taskbar.
Windows key + CLaunch Cortana app.
Windows key + FLaunch Feedback Hub app.
Windows key + GLaunch Game bar app.
Windows key + YChange input between desktop and Mixed Reality.
Windows key + OLock device orientation.
Windows key + TCycle through apps in the Taskbar.
Windows key + ZSwitch input between the desktop experience and Windows Mixed Reality.
Windows key + JSet focus on a tip for Windows 10 when applicable.
Windows key + HOpen dictation feature.
Windows key + EOpen File Explorer.
Windows key + IOpen Settings.
Windows key + ROpen Run command.
Windows key + KOpen Connect settings.
Windows key + XOpen Quick Link menu.
Windows key + VOpen Clipboard bin.
Windows key + WOpen the Windows Ink Workspace.
Windows key + UOpen Ease of Access settings.
Windows key + POpen Project settings.
Windows key + Ctrl + EnterOpen Narrator.
Windows key + Plus (+)Zoom in using the magnifier.
Windows key + Minus (-)Zoom out using the magnifier.
Windows key + EscExit magnifier.
Windows key + Forward-slash (/)Start IME reconversion.
Windows key + Comma (,)Temporarily peek at the desktop.
Windows key + Up arrow keyMaximize app windows.
Windows key + Down arrow keyMinimize app windows.
Windows key + HomeMinimize or maximize all but the active desktop window.
Windows key + Shift + MRestore minimized windows on the desktop.
Windows key + Shift + Up arrow keyStretch desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows key + Shift + Down arrow keyMaximize or minimize active windows vertically while maintaining width.
Windows key + Shift + Left arrow keyMove active window to monitor on the left.
Windows key + Shift + Right arrow keyMove active window to monitor on the right.
Windows key + Left arrow keySnap app or window left.
Windows key + Right arrow keySnap app or window right.
Windows key + Number (0-9)Open the app in number position in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Shift + Number (0-9)Open another app instance in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Ctrl + Number (0-9)Switch to the last active window of the app in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Alt + Number (0-9)Open Jump List of the app in number position in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + Number (0-9)Open another instance as an administrator of the app in the number position in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Ctrl + SpacebarChange previous selected input option.
Windows key + SpacebarChange keyboard layout and input language.
Windows key + TabOpen Task View.
Windows key + Ctrl + DCreate a virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + F4Close active virtual desktop.
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrowSwitch to the virtual desktop on the right.
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrowSwitch to the virtual desktop on the left.
Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + BWake up the device when black or a blank screen.
Windows key + PrtScnCapture a full screenshot in the "Screenshots" folder.
Windows key + Shift + SCreate part of the screen screenshot.
Windows key + Shift + VCycle through notifications.
Windows key + Ctrl + FOpen search for the device on a domain network.
Windows key + Ctrl + QOpen Quick Assist.
Windows key + Alt + DOpen date and time in the Taskbar.
Windows key + Period (.) or Semicolon (;)Open emoji panel.
Windows key + PauseShow System Properties dialog box.

It's important to note that specific Windows features and other third-party apps like Google Chrome, Firefox, Adobe Photoshop, and many others also have keyboard shortcuts. In this case, you want to check the software vendor documentation to learn more about them.

More resources

For more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10 and Windows 11, visit the following resources:

Mauro Huculak

Mauro Huculak has been a Windows How-To Expert contributor for for nearly a decade and has over 15 years of experience writing comprehensive guides. He also has an IT background and has achieved different professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, and CompTIA. He has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for many years.

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