Apex Legends gets a new trailer asking you meet Revenant, showing the new Legend's different abilities in action

Apex Legends Revenant
Apex Legends Revenant (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment)

What you need to know

  • Apex Legends Season 4 is now live on all platforms.
  • There's a new trailer for Revenant, the newest Legend added with Season 4.
  • Revenant has multiple death-based abilities.

Apex Legends Season 4 is now live! Multiple changes have come to World's Edge, while a new Legend named Revenant is on the field. Respawn Entertainment has released a new trailer, showing off Revenant's different abilities. You can check out the new character trailer below.

Respawn initially announced that the new character added this season would be the Hammond Robotics-sponsored Forge, before cutting that idea short (literally) in a shocking interview trailer. Revenant was originally an assassin and due to having his body replaced with cybernetic tech, he's even deadlier now than ever before. For more information on his story and background, you can check out the previously released trailer here.

All of these newfound abilities should help change up the known flow of the game, with Revenant being able to scale buildings and even protect teammates from death for a short time. In line with the previous seasons, Apex Legends Season 4 should last for about three months.



Samuel Tolbert
Freelance Writer

Samuel Tolbert is a freelance writer covering gaming news, previews, reviews, interviews and different aspects of the gaming industry, specifically focusing on Xbox and PC gaming on Windows Central. You can find him on Twitter @SamuelTolbert.