Age of Empires: Castle Siege available worldwide on iOS, Windows 10 version coming in August

Microsoft has now launched its free-to-play historical strategy game Age of Empires: Castle Siege worldwide for the iPhone and iPad. The game was previously available in a soft launch in Canada earlier this year.

The iOS version will allow iPhone and iPad players of the game to play against those who have the previously released Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone versions. Microsoft's press release about the launch also says there are now 2.8 million people who have already played the game in its Windows incarnations since they launched in September 2014.

The press release also mentioned that Age of Empires: Castle Siege will be launched for Windows 10 sometime in August but details about what will be different compared to the current Windows 8.1 version have not been revealed. Finally, the game's man developer Smoking Gun Interactive is "deep into development of our next strategy title" and it could be revealed later in 2015.

John Callaham
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