'Critical update' available for those in the Windows Phone Preview for Developers program

There's a new update out for those enrolled in the Windows Phone 8.1 Preview for Developers program. Go to your settings and check for an update, and you'll find 8.10.14192.280 available. The download and installation of the update should take about 5 to 10 minutes. Microsoft is listing this as a 'critical update'. Don't skip out.

Want the update if you're in the Preview for Developers program? Just go to settings -> phone update -> check for update and your Windows Phone will hit up the servers and grab the new update.

We're not exactly sure what Microsoft means by 'critical' in this instance, but we'll reach out and find more.

We're updating right now, so we can't comment on what's new or fixed. We'll let you know after installing if we find anything. If you beat us to the installation of this critical update, let us know what you find!

Update: So you want to know what 'critical update' means? Here's what Microsoft has said about today's update:

"This update contains our usual scope of fixes and improvements. We're requiring this update so we can continue to test our update systems. The update will show as a "critical update" on your phone."

Thanks for the tips everyone!

Sam Sabri